Monday, December 9, 2013

Steamed Matcha Green Tea Blondies

Heyyya all, been a while since my last post. Been lazy and busy too :P 

It all started when I got sick for about 3 weeks. On and off kind of sickness :( Of course it changes my entire activity. I bake a few times, but its mostly simple things that I've been doing many times. So I don't have to feel guilty not to take shots or post the thing I bake. 

I loooooove matcha green tea. I love how it smells. And I believe many things can be created with this powder. Until now, I make a few recipe with this magic powder, and many things in my plan is about to come soon :D Check out this recipe of Matcha Green Tea Cookie.

This matcha blondies is a darling in our family. I actually make this 3 times in 2 weeks! However I only got a chance to take photos on my 3rd trial! The 1st and 2nd, all gone before I even spare the time to take some shots. The blondies smells wonderful to my nose. Addictive it is. It's soft and moist and very fragrant. My younger son eats 4-5 pieces in a row. He keeps munching over the blondies until he feels enough! 

The recipe is the same as my previous Steamed pandan blondies. This time I use green tea powder instead of pandan paste. 

Steamed Matcha Green Tea Blondies
adapted from Bunda Ricke brownies pandan kukus 

6 eggs
200 gr sugar
1tsp emulsifier
1/4 tsp salt 

Ingredients B
150 gr all purpose flour
20 gr milk powder

20 gr maizena

4 tsp of matcha powder
=> mix well with whisker

Ingredients C
100 gr cooking oil
100 gr white cooking chocolate

How to : 
1. Preheat your steamer
2. Prepare Ingredients C, melt the white cooking chocolate, add in the cooking oil, mix well with balloon whisker. Set aside
3. Mix ingredients A with  mixer on high speed until the batter looks pale white, thick and rising

4.Pour in the flour mixture, slow speed, mix until well combined
6. Add in Ingredients C, mix with slow speed until well combined
7. Grease 20*20*7 baking pan with melted butter and baking paper. Pour in the batter, steam for 35-40 minutes. 

Please remember to cover the steamer lid with napkin or kitchen towel so that the water doesn't fall to the batter and create holes on the surface.


  1. Looks very yummy.
    I'll try another simple recipes.

    1. it is yummy, indeed, mba Susi :) thanks for dropping by

  2. bakal sering2 main ke sini ah, nyontek resepnya :D

    1. Makasih ya mba, sdh mampir kesini :D monggo dicoba, semoga cocok ya mba :)

  3. sepertinya saya harus sering nanya tentang foto stylish nih sama Emak yang satu ini. Keren Mak!!!!

    1. Awwwwwwww makasih maaak, jadi tersandung nih. Masih belajar kok mak, anak baru di dunia blogging nih :D

  4. Fotonya keren mak! Please, kasih tips cetrak cetreknya dong

    1. Mak Ika, makasih sudah mampir, belajar bareng yuk, aku juga masih belajar nih, maklum newbie banget :D

  5. What can you use as a substitute for emulsifier? Can you use cream of tartar? Thanks

    1. Hi Alex, actually you can skip the emulsifier. As long as you use a fresh egg (its a must), the batter will rise and thick too, only it need longer time until it reaches ribbon stage. You can not use cream of tartar as for my knowledge, cream of tartar is used to stabilize egg whites. And the emulsifier is to stabilize the yolk.

      As for the texture, its not as soft as when you use emulsifier, but however you can add more yolks and it will be and taste as good. Hope my answer covers your question :) thanks

  6. What is a steamer?

    1. hi anonymous, steamer is a kitchen appliances used for steaming food. Very commonly use in asia kitchen. There are several type of steamer, metal steamer, bamboo steamer and electric steamer.

      check this link for steamer pics :

      If you find difficulties on finding the steamer, do try to check your nearest asian supply store. Hope it helps.

  7. mba, kalo emulsifiernya diganti sama SP bisa ga? soalnya resep blondies ini sama persis kaya brownies yang biasa aku bikin, tapi yang aku bikin ga pake emulsifier, pakenya SP..

    1. emulsifier itu bisa pake tbm, vx atau sp. Sebenernya gak pake juga bisa kok, asal kita pake telur yg segar. AKu seringnya malah di skip emulsifiernya :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mba ak uda coba buat, tapi teksturnya napa malah jadi kue yg bantet yah ? Resepnya sudah sesuai
    Telurnya kukocok sampe putih pucat selama set jam. N d kukus +- 35 menit.

    Lalu tekstur permukaan atasnya ngga mulus kaya mba buat, malah bergelombang, tutup kukusannya sudah kupakai kain .

    Tapi masih penasaran sama ni kueeee. Karena ak matcha lover jugaaa :D
    Thank uuu :D.

    1. Mba Liu Desy, adonan selain putih pucat juga harus kental berjejak. Kalo belum berjejak biasanya jadi bantet, mba :)

  10. I love to try make this macha cake but may i know what is maizena please?
