Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mango Sticky Rice

Mango sticky rice is a popular sweet dessert from Thailand. Many street food vendor also sells it. In Indonesia, we usually have it with cooked durian (we call it Ketan Kinca Durian). 

It is quite easy to make, the original version mango sticky rice is to steamed the rice until done, and then soaked with sweetened coconut milk and sugar. But I'm making it in a slightly different way. I cook the sticky rice with the coconut milk,then steam until tender. The recipe was adapted from a friend of mine on instagram, mba Anita Joyo. 

Make sure that the sticky rice is perfectly cooked so it’s soft yet retain a good bite, not mushy. The coconut milk and sugar should be in the perfect ratio so it’s not overly sweet. But again, you can adjust the level of sweetness to your personal liking :)

Ingredients :
300 gr glutinous rice, soak overnight
200 ml coconut milk (i'm using thin coconut milk)
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 pandan leaf
1-2 tbsp roasted sesame seed
2-3 mangoes, cut into cubes, and refrigerate before serving

Cook the above ingredients until the coconut milk absorbs. Prepare the steamer with banana leaves, if you don't have banana leave, it is ok, just skip the leaves. It is used to give the sticky rice more fragrant. Steamed for about 30 minutes.

Ingredients for coconut sauce :
500 ml coconut milk
3 tbsp sugar, or according to your liking
1/2 tsp salt
2 pandan leaves
1 tbsp maizena

Cook the coconut milk, sugar, salt and pandan leaves with small heat until the sugar fully dissolved, get a few spoon of the coconut milk, mix well with maizena, and stir continuously until bubbly. Turn off heat.

Serve with cold mango cubes, drizzle of coconut sauce and sprinkle with roasted sesame. Perfecto!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cassava Leaf Fritter

Most Indonesian loves fried food or deep fried food. Somehow I found out that deep fried foods kinda addictive. I know, it is not the healthiest treat, but once in a week or two, should be fine, I guess.

One of everybody's favorite amongst all street fried food is : Vegetable fritter, or we call it Bakwan. In other region of Indonesia, it is called ote-ote and bala-bala. Whatever the name is, this simple and humble snack definately one of my comfort food. Eat it plain, or with chili sauce, peanut sauce or only with green chili. I'm giving a little twist with the fritter. We usually have fritters with bean sprouts, julienne cut carrot and white cabbage, this time I omitted the white cabbage, and adding pre-cook cassava leaves. And it turns out to be delicious! It has a little chewy texture, but surprisingly yummy. A little tips, do make sure to use young cassava leaves, as they taste the best! If you want the fritter to stay crunchy for a little longer, add in 1/2 tsp of baking powder.

Ingredients :
8 table spoon of all purpose flour
4 table spoon white rice flour
3-4 cloves of  garlic, fried until golden brown, then mashed with mortar and pestle.
1 handfull of cassava leaf, cook in boiling water for about 3-5 minutes, drain and sliced
1 small-medium size carrot, julienne cut
1 handfull of bean sprouts
1 bunch of scallion, thinly slice
Water, I don't use specific measurement, just add in the water little by little,until the consistency a little thick but not too runny.
Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking oil

How to :
1. mix the flour, salt, pepper, mashed fried garlic. Add in water, stir until well mixed. 
2. Add in the sliced cassava leaf, carrot, and sliced scallion. Mix well.
3. Pre-heat your wok with lotsa cooking oil, we are doing same serious deep fried, here :D. Once it is hot enough,  spoon the batter (about one full tablespoon each) and deep fry about 2-3 minutes, flip and cook again until golden brown. Serve with fresh chili, chili sauce or peanut sauce.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

IDFB Challenge : Kreasi Dapur Bersama Sajian Sedap, Rujak Tahu

Kadang-kadang, saya suka mendadak kepingin makan makanan tertentu. Yang datengnya sekonyong2 gitu....rasanya bahkan sampe di ujung lidah walaupun makanannya belum ada di depan mata, hihihihi. Kalo orang hamil, biasanya disebut nyidam. Lha ini? apa namanya ya? 

Biasanya kalo udah kayak gitu, saya sibuk browsing2 cari resep, atau cari referensi makanan yg rasanya ada di ujung lidah itu. Nah, kapan hari saya tuh kepingiiiin banget makan rujak. Tapi yang bumbu kacang dan ada rasa asem segernya kayak asinan gitu. Iiiiih padahal belum pernah bikin yang kayak gitu. Akhirnya seperti biasa saya buka web favorit, Sajian Sedap. Komplit plit plit koleksi resepnya, mau makanan apa aja, adaaaa! Dari masakan dan kue-kue tradisional sampe yang internasional juga ada. Navigasi websitenya pun mudah kok. Kadang saya menghabiskan berjam-jam untuk browse resep karena bingung mau pilih yang mana, akhirnya sibuk nge-bookmark walaupun belum tau kapan prakteknya, hahahaha. Saya sebenernya udah sering eksekusi resep Sajian Sedap, tapi keseringan udah lenyap duluan sebelum sempat difoto atau dimasukan ke blog.

Yang ini juga jujur aja fotonya ngasal banget, karena gak konsen juga sih udah ditungguin yg mau makan.....Resep ini nemunya gak sengaja, cuman ketik keyword : Rujak...keluar deh tuh berbagai resep rujak. Sambil liat2, kok ada nama Rujak Tahu...dalam hati saya, apaan ini rujak tahu? Baru denger....Iseng dibuka, dan tertarik banget untuk nyoba karena ini mirip seperti yg saya pingin! Rujak dengan bumbu kacang yg rasanya gurih asem pedes. Yummmmm sampe ngences rasanya waktu itu, hihihihi.

Sayangnya saya gak bisa kasih info perihal asal-muasal Rujak Tahu ini, ataupun dari daerah mana-nya. Tetapi kalo menurut seorang teman yg asli Lampung, di tempat dia biasanya menjual rujak seperti ini dengan kuah cuko, begitu juga dengan teman di Medan, biasanya dicampur juga dengan pempek. Tapi kalo buat saya sih, pokoknya rasanya enak dan rasa penasaran saya sudah terjawab. :D

Resep diambil dari Sajian Sedap di link ini

Bahan-bahan :
2 buah tahu cina 
200 ml air 
1/2 sendok teh garam 
5 lembar selada (60 gram), disobek-sobek
100 gram mi telur, rebus lalu tiriskan
100 gram taoge 

2 buah mentimun (150 gram), dibelah dua, diiris halus
100 gram kerupuk merah, digoreng (saya gak pake, karena lagi gak ada stok)
2 sendok makan bawang merah goreng, untuk taburan
minyak untuk menggoreng 

Bahan Bumbu:
100 gram kacang tanah kulit, digoreng
3 siung bawang putih, digoreng
5 buah cabai rawit merah, digoreng
2 sendok teh ebi, disangrai
1 sendok teh garam 
3 sendok makan gula merah sisir 
300 ml air hangat 
1/2 sendok makan cuka 

Cara Pengolahan :
1. Rendam tahu dalam air dan garam. Goreng dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan diatas api sedang sampai matang.
2. Bumbu: haluskan kacang tanah, bawang putih, cabai rawit merah, ebi, garam, dan gula merah. Tuang air hangat. Aduk rata. Tambahkan cuka. Aduk rata.
3. Tata daun selada didasar mangkuk, beri mi, taoge, mentimun, dan tahu. Siram dengan bumbu. Tabur dengan bawang merah goreng.

Nah, simpel banget kan? Tapi jangan salah, walaupun simpel dan bahan2nya sederhana, rasanya enak lho! Wajib dicoba nih :)

Untuk resep lain dari IDFB Challenge dengan Sajian Sedap ini, silahkan mampir ke

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Buttermilk Chocolate Pancake

I don't need to say anything about this chocolate goodness, bet all of you have your favorite pancake recipe. It is a treat for my family, a comfort food, simple dessert. Yupe, we eat pancake anytime we want, not only during breakfast.

This pancake is fluffy and soft, I often use the same batter to make waffle, saves time! Use whatever topping that you like. My boy's favorite is vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce+choco chips (so predictable), and toast almond.

Ingredients :
Dry ingredients 
2 cups of all purpose flour
2 1/2 - 3 tbsp cocoa powder
5 tbsp sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 sdt salt

Wet ingredients
1 1/2 cup buttermilk
3 tbsp cooking oil
3 tbsp butter, melted
2 eggs

How to :
1. Sift flour and chocolate, mix well with other dry ingredients. Set aside
2. In a separate bowl, mix buttermilk, egg, melted butter and oil.
3. Add in the dry ingredients into wet ingredients. Do not overmix or your pancake will be tough
4. Heat your pancake pan, use low heat. Drop one or two spoonfull of the batter. Leave it until you see bubbles on the surface. Flip and cook for another 1 minute.
5. Serve with your favorite topping

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Resto Review : Pepper Lunch, Bintaro Xchange

Sekali lagi saya dapat kesempatan untuk ikutan acara IDFB, yaitu me-review resto yang baru buka cabang di mol yang juga terbilang baru, Bintaro Xchange. Saya yakin pasti sebagian besar udah tau deh, resto ini. Pepper lunch! Resto ini adalah salah satu resto dari Boga Group, yang ditemukan di Jepang. 

Sedikit info mengenai Pepper Lunch, ternyata di seluruh dunia sudah ada 200 outlet lho, sedangkan di Indonesia ada 22 outlet. Resto ini ngetop karena konsep Japanese Fast Food DIY nya, seruuuuu banget kan makan di hotplate yang super panas. Jadi sebelum dipakai, wadah hotplate dipanasi terlebih dahulu di suhu 260 derajat celsius selama 70 detik. Dan suhunya akan ada di kisaran 80 derajat celsius selama 20 menit. Cukuuuup banget untuk mematangkan hidangan daging, dan makanan pun tetap hangat sampe kita selesai makan. 

Moralyta, Assistant Marketing Manager Pepper Lunch, memberikan penjelasan produk

Mas karyawan Pepper lunch mencontohkan cara memasak di hot plate

Nah terus kenapa juga namanya Pepper Lunch, hmmmm kalo dari penjelasannya, Pepper Lunch memang punya pepper yg spesifik banget, grind every morning, dan tidak memakai seluruh bagian dari lada, tapi hanya bagian luarnya aja, yang paling enak baunya. Dan memang beneran lho, pepper di resto ini rasanya enak! Bener-bener merupakan penyempurna dari hidangan2 nikmat keluaran Pepper Lunch.

Btw, maaf sekali saya gak bisa kasih liat foto ruangannya, kemarin itu saya kesana sama anak-anak, naaaah memang mereka mainin kamera juga sih, sepertinya foto2nya tidak sengaja ke-delete deh....hiks. Yang pasti ruangan di resto ini cozy, nyaman dan luassss! Cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga tercinta. Anyway, duo ganteng saya sueneeeeng banget dateng ke Pepper Lunch, sepulang dari situ, anak saya bilang kalo lain kali dia mau banget makan di Pepper Lunch lagi. Senangnya ^_^

Nah, ini adalah menu yang waktu itu dihidangkan :

1. Curry Rice (premium beef and Hamburg steak) - Rp. 72,272 (before tax and service) 
Hidangan ini dipesan oleh anak saya, terdiri dari nasi dengan hidden butter di bawah jagung, Hamburg steak dengan saus blackpepper, slice daging premium dengan saus kari yang yummmy banget. Saus karinya light, creamy dan enaaak. 
naaah keliatan kan panasnya? asapnya itu lhoooo

2. Basil cream cheese - Rp. 69,091(before tax and service)
Kamu suka pasta? Kalau jawabannya : Iya, yang satu ini harus dicoba. Spaghetti yang diguyur dengan saus steak dan saus cream.

3. Double Hamburg Steak with Egg - Rp. 82,727 (before tax and service)
2 buah buah burger patty dengan saus istimewa. Hidangan ini dilengkapi dengan tauge, jagung telur mata sapi dan buncis.

4. The Giant - Rp 179,091. (before tax and service) 
Nama makanan ini sesuai banget sama penampakannya. Asli besar banget si dagingnya. Empuk dan lembuuuuut pula . Hidangan ini bisa dinikmati dengan mashed potato, nasi dan juga beberapa jenis sayur seperti wortel dan buncis.

Nah, kedua jenis saus ini juga enak dan selalu ada di setiap meja. Honey brown sauce (Amakuchi) dan Garlic soy sauce (Karakuchi). Saya sukaaa banget honey brown sauce-nya. Sampe kepingin rasanya beli beberapa kemasan kalo memang dijual :D

And dessert time! Buat saya, selalu ada waktu dan tempat di perut saya untuk dessert! Yang saya makan ini namanya Hazelnut Mousse-Rp 17,273 (before tax and service). Rasanya enakkkkk! Kalo boleh jujur, sebenernya 1 gak cukup kalo buat saya sih, hihihihihihi.


Btw, di bawah ini ada alamat dan nomer teleponnya, siapa tau kamu tertarik untuk delivery *wink*

Pepper Lunch
Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall, Jl Boulevard Bintaro Jaya sektor 7
F&B Area Alfresco by the park

Instagram : @pepperlunchid
delivery : 021-500558

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Getas a.k.a Gemblong

I cannot find the right name for this delicious Indonesian snack. It is pretty simple dish, easy to make with humble ingredients. You see when I write "humble ingredients" it means cheap :D 

Best of all, its gluten free! The taste of the kue itself is originally savory/salty. But, it is fully covered with palm sugar mixture. So, sweet and salty collide. Addictive, I am warning you! This kue has been a darling for sooooo many Indonesians. Very easy to find in all traditional market. Even though some of my friends complains that is not really easy to find getas nowadays. They sort of missing from the market. So, what I do is, make myself the kue! Of course it is more hygienic and I can adjust the texture as per my liking.

Btw, if you think my english is a little confusing, please forgive me. It is not my mother tongue, n I start to write in English after receiving many emails from my readers, asking me to translate my recipe to English, as they tried google translate, but still got confused. Maybe because I am not using proper Indonesian language, haha. So, after I read the emails, I decided to write in English. Still need lotsa practice here :) Anyway, if you prefer to read the recipe in Bahasa Indonesia, follow my instagram account. All recipes there using Bahasa Indonesia ^_^

Here is the recipe :

recipe taken and adapted from Hesti Kitchen

125 gr glutinous rice flour (you can use the white or black flour)
50 gr of white rice flour
150 gr shredded coconut, steamed for 10 minutes
125 ml warm coconut milk
3/4 tsp salt

50 gr sugar
100 gr palm sugar
75 ml water
2 pandan leaves/screwpine leaves

How to :
1. mix together the glutinous rice flour, white rice flour, steamed shredded coconut and salt. Pour little by little the warm coconut milk, in the meantime, mix the ingredients with ladle or simply use your hands :) Mix it until well combine.
2. Shape the dough into balls, and mashed it until its a little bit oval. Anyway, you can actually shape it with any shape want. As long as it not too thick, as you will have difficulties when frying the dough. Deep fry the dough with low heat until the color turns golden brown. Move the side, wait another 1-2 minutes. Set aside.
3. Using non sticky pan/wok, cook the palm sugar, sugar, water and pandan leaves. Untill all well mixed, strain with fine strainer. Cook again until it bubbly and thick. Add in the fried rice cake, mix well and keep mixing until the sugar is dry. Ready to serve.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hot Cocoa Milk with Cinnamon

This recipe was requested by my eldest son, who loves anything with chocolate. I often saw him stumbled upon my recipe books, reading each page and picking which one he wants me to try to make for us. That time, he asks me whether we have milk, cocoa powder and sugar. I said we have it, so the next couple of days I'm making his request.

Nothing special with this recipe actually, it is just milk and cocoa powder. The only wow factor is, cinnamon. I add a cinnamon stick just to enhance the flavour. Oh and of course,hot cocoa is never complete without......marshmallow! This is his first time ever, drinking hot chocolate milk with hint of cinnamon and ooey-gooey-melty marshmallow. He was more than happy and ask for more! It is soooo easy to make a little boy happy, isn't it? 

The recipe was inspired by Paula Deen "My First Cookbook", with adjustment based on my liking.

Ingredients :
700ml plain milk
4-5 tbsp cocoa powder (use good quality of cocoa powder)
4-5 tbsp of sugar
1 cinnamon stick

How to :
1. Put the sugar and cocoa into the pot and whisk together. Pour in the milk, cinnamon stick and whisk again. Put the pot on the cooktop and turn the heat to very low. Heat until it is hot bot not boiling, about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally with the whisk, making sure that you mix in all of the cocoa.
2. Ladle into mugs and top each one with a handful of mini marshmallows and dust it with cocoa powder.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mie Kangkung - Noodle with Water Spinach

One of Jakarta culinary delights, Mie Kangkung or Noodle with water spinach. If you like sweet soy chicken, then most probably you gonna enjoy this! The sweet taste of the soup is dominant from sweet soy sauce, when you add the chili or sambal and lime juice...simply heaven! It is originally serve with hard-boiled quail eggs, and bean sprouts. Too bad I don't have it on hand that time. This dish taste dominant in sweet, because of the use of sweet soy sauce. If you prefer to have the less sweet one, reduce the amount of sweet soy sauce and add more salt.

Ingredients :
6 pieces of chicken, remove the bones, peel the skin and cut into cubes.
1,5 L water
200 gr of fresh noodle (you can also use dried noddle)
200 gr fresh champignon mushroom, sliced
6 cloves of garlic (i'm using large size garlic, if yours is smaller in size, use 7 garlic), finely chopped
1 table spoon of dried shrimp, pan roasted until fragrant and grind with mortar and pestle.
3 red cayenne chili
4 table spoons of sweet soy sauce
2 table spoons of oyster sauce
1 table spoon of fish sauce
1 table spoon of tapioca
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
ground pepper
3-4 kaffir lime
1-2 bunch of water spinach
fried shallots
chopped scallion
chili sauce

how to:
1. Bring to the boil chicken bones with 1 Liter water. Once boiled, turn the heat into low. let simmer for at least 45 minutes.
2. Saute the chopped garlic and dried shrimp powder until fragrant, add the chicken cubes, stir until done. Add the mushrooms, stir about 2-3 minutes.
3. Season it with sweet soy, oyster, fish sauce, salt pepper and ground pepper
4. Pour in the chicken broth, once it is almost boil, get 3 tablespoons of broth, mix it with tapioca and add to the rest of the broth. Bring to the boil.
5. Bring to the boil about 3 cups of water. Blanch the fresh noodle, or if you use dried noodle, cook for about 3 minutes.
6. bring to the boil 3-4 cups of water, blanch the water spinach.
7.Divide the noodle into bowls, pour the broth, serve with kaffir lime, hard boiled quail eggs, blanched bean sprouts, scallion and fried shallots.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Resto Review : Sushi Matsu

Datang terlambat pada suatu event itu sebenarnya musuh besar saya. Apalagi pas acara review seperti ini. Akibat terlambat, saya jadi kehilangan info2 awal, yang justru biasanya penting dan selalu disampaikan di awal acara. Apa boleh buat, karena waktu itu jalanan mendadak tidak bersahabat, saya sampai ketika teman-teman yang lain sudah mulai motret dan bahkan ada jg yg sudah dimakan :D Untung saja tempat Sushi Matsu gampang dicari. Kebetulan juga saya cukup sering ke pasmod BSD, dan posisi resto ini persis di seberangnya. Jadi walaupun waktu itu saya naik taksi, ya gak pake nyasar deh.

Sewaktu tiba di lokasi, saya disambut dengan "Irasshaimase!" dan senyum manis pelayan resto. Hmmm tempatnya memang mungil, tapi nyaman dan homey. Lalu saya dipersilahkan untuk naik ke tempat review di lantai 2. 

Jujur saja saya tidak mencicipi seluruh makanan yang disediakan. Pertama, buanyaaaaak banget jenisnya....kedua, saya sambil ribet ngawasin anak-anak yang waktu itu ikut ke resto karena suami lagi keluar kota. Perhatian terpecah nih, ceritanya...

Nah, Sushi Matsu ini masih cukup muda usianya, berdirinya tanggal 18 Mei 2014. Matsu sendiri artinya Pohon Cemara Jepang, mengandung makna keberuntungan dan umur panjang. Walaupun muda, tapi menu2 Sushi Matsu gak kalah lho, kalo dibanding dengan gerai sushi lain. Mereka punya tim koki andalan yg memang sudah berpengalaman dengan masakan Jepang. Jadi terjamin otentik dan fresh makanan  di gerai ini. 

Nah inilah sebagian menu yang disajikan dan sempat terpotret :

Seger banget kan ikannya :)

Yang ini kalo gak salah namanya Hokkaido (IDR 45K) Salmon, crab meat dan omelette. Yummm!

Yang ini the famous Takoyaki (IDR 20K), enak deh ini, pake lelehan saus mayones yang yummy

Yang ini Inari Tuna Salad (IDR 33K), tuna dengan saus mayones dibungkus kulit tahu. Favorit!

 Chicken Omelette (IDR 38K)

 ini namanya Volcanoes (IDR 45K), udang, salmon dan crab meat ditutup dengan topping mayones yg lembut dan telur ikan terbang. Delish!

Maguro atau Ikan Tuna (IDR 42K), walaupun raw, tapi tidak amis

owww owww owwww, ngilerin bangetttt kaaaaaan! 

Dari kiri-kanan : Miso Ramen (IDR 45K), -, Avocado Salad (IDR 27K), Chicken Katsu Curry Rice (IDR 45K)
Naaah jadi tunggu apa lagi? Mumpung lagi ada promo nih, makan sebesar 150K, kamu dapet diskon 20K. Asik kaaaaan?

Ruko Golden Madrid 2 Blok G no. 6
Telp : 021-53164795
Jam buka :
Weekdays : 11.00 – 21.00
Weekend : 10.00 – 21.30

Twitter : @sushimatsuresto IG : sushimatsu FB : sushi matsu

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Oven Baked Sweet Soy Sauce Chicken

Most Indonesian loves sweet soy sauce. This earthy and humble ingredients is a must have on every Indonesian kitchen. We have plenty brands for this. Some region even produce their own sweet soy sauce, and each region has different taste, very unique. 

I believe that is why we can easily find dishes that use sweet soy sauce as key ingredient. As for this dish that I made, very simple. Yet it has wonderful taste.

Ingredients :
10 chicken wings
5 cloves of garlic, grated
1,5 cm ginger, grated
3 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
2 tablespoons of worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
a pinch of ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper

For smearing
mix together 1-2 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of oil.

How to:
1. Preheat your oven, 180 celsius degree
2. Mix the all the ingredients together
There are two ways to cook it. Cook directly at the oven, or using stove top method.

For cook directly at the oven method :
1. Marinate the chicken with all the ingredients, refrigerate for 2 hours
2. Arrange the marinated chicken in a smeared baking pan,cover with alumunium foil. Bake for 40-45 minutes
3. open the cover, smear with sweet soy+oil, bake without cover for another 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool

For stove top method:
1. In a wok/pan, cook the chicken with all the ingredients for about 20minutes
2. Smear the chicken with sweet soy+oil, and bake for 15 minutes.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Talam Ubi Ungu (Steamed Purple Sweet Potato Cake with Coconut Milk)

This cake, or we call it kue talam, is my alltime favorite traditional cake. Bring back my childhood memories in every bite.

The original Kue Talam, is actually made from mixture of coconut milk, rice flour and tapioca. I'm adding purple sweet potato just to make it colorful and beautiful. You can also replace the purple sweet potato with pumpkin puree. 

The cake has two layers, the top one is usually the white one. In this photos, I have to turn the kue upside down as I don't have the right mold. The original shape is actually bowl-like. Mine was flowery (which is cute, btw)

The taste of this cake is satisfying, it is soft and a bit creamy. And also chewy at the same time, perhaps because I'm adding the purple sweet potato. But worry not, they are perfect companion for tea time.

Talam Ubi Ungu
recipe taken and adapted from Cooking Tackle 


150 gr steamed purple sweet potato
200 ml thick coconut milk
50g rice flour
25g tapioca flour
100 gr sugar
2 whole eggs
½ teaspoon salt
Vegetable oil for greasing

Ingredients for the top layer

180ml thick coconut milk
40g rice flour
½ teaspoon salt


1. Using hand blender or mixer or regular blender, mix the steamed purple sweet potato, coconut milk, rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar, eggs and salt. Set aside. Let it sit for a while.
2. Heat your steamer, when boiling, lower the heat.
3. Lightly grease your mold with vegetable oil.
4. Fill each cup with base layer up to 2/3 parts each cup
5. Steam for 10 minutes.
6. In a bowl, combine coconut milk, rice flour and salt, stir well until smooth. Add it carefully over the base layer, steam for another 5 minutes. 

Please remember to cover the steamer lid with clean kitchen towel, to avoid the steam fall down to the cake and make it surface's not smooth.