Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pumpkin Bread with Cream Cheese Filling

Pumpkin, just like potato,sweet potato, or banana in a cake making stage. It makes the cake more dense, soft and moist. That is one of the reason why I love baking with potato, banana and pumpkin. I mean who doesn't like moist cake?

And when it comes to cream cheese.....maybe not everyone enjoy creamcheese. But luckily , I do! I am a cheese-a-holic :D. My mom told me that when I was little and cute (ehm), I love to eat rice and grated cheese. And that's it. So whenever I do the GTM (Gerakan Tutup Mulut), my mom offer me a bowl of warm rice and grate lotsa cheddar cheese as the topping. Something I couldn't resist, my mom said.

When I first look at the recipe, mmmhh.... pumpkin collaborate with creamcheese, I really really think I must bake it! Especially the recipe calls for spekkoek, it is a special mix herbs with a blissful scents of cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg. To make it practical and simple, I use ready to use bumbu spekkoek. Actually we can make it ourself at home, but It takes time :D 

The result is super yummmmm, even when it is still inside the oven, the spekkoek scents is all over the house. You can barely taste the pumpkin puree on the bread, but it has a big contribution to the soft and moist texture. 

Source : Joy of Baking via Hesti's Kitchen


Cream Cheese Filling:

115 gr cream cheese, room temperature
35 gr granulated white sugar
half egg or 1 small egg

Pumpkin Bread:
225 gr all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
I tablespoon ground spekkoek
2 large eggs
200 gr granulated sugar
115 gr unsalted butter
210 gr pumpkin puree
60 ml water
1 tsp vanilla paste


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C and place rack in the center of the oven. Butter and lightly flour 23 x 13 x 8 cm loaf pans. 

Cream Cheese Filling: With a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the sugar and egg and process just until smooth and creamy. Do not over process. Set aside.

Pumpkin Bread:
1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and ground spekkoek
2. In another bowl, whisk the eggs until lightly beaten. Add the sugar and melted butter and whisk to combine.  Whisk or stir in the pumpkin, water, and vanilla extract.
3. Add the pumpkin mixture to the flour mixture and stir just until the ingredients are combined. Do not over mix as it will make the bread tough.
4.Take half of the batter and pour it to the loaf pan. Then Spread the cream cheese evenly.  Top with the remaining half of batter
5. Bake the breads for about 55  65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean (a few moist crumbs is okay). 
6. Place pans on a wire rack and let cool for about 10 minutes before removing breads from pans.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Prol Tape Keju

Quick Post!

If you love fermented cassava, then you must try this! 

The recipe taken from Mba Hesti's blog.

Ingredients :
300 gr fermented cassava, remove the cord, mashed
75 gr sugar
1/2 tsp salt
3 eggs
70 gr all purpose flour
100 ml plain milk
50 gr melted butter
1 egg yolk
grated cheddar cheese for sprinkle

How to :
1. Pre-heat your oven 180 degree celsius
2. Mix well mashed fermented cassava, sugar and salt. Add in egg, mix until well combined.
3. Add in the flour,mix well. Then add in the milk and melted butter,mix until everything is combined.
4. Smear your baking pan (i use 18x18 square pan) with margarine/butter, cover with baking paper and then smear some butter
5. Pour the batter to the pan, bake for 20 minutes, smear the egg yolk and sprinkle with grated cheese.
6. Baked for about 30-40 minutes

Monday, October 10, 2016

Ayam Bumbu Rujak

Again, this is one of our favorite menu. And again, it is very easy to make. The original ayam bumbu rujak, you usually need to half baked the chicken first before seasoned it with the ingredients. I cut the process and have my own way. Just to make it simple. This is my mom's recipe with a little twist from my side. If you wish to read the recipe in Indonesian, check my instagram account :

For this recipe, I am using big red chilies as it has lower level of spiciness, my two sons love this menu but they can't stand too much heat from other kind of chilies. I use 2 whole chicken (cut into 8-12, depends on how big the chickens are) as my family loves it so much. I usually divide it into 2 food containers. 1 container to be put in the refrigerator, and the other one for the freezer. So whenever I am too lazy to cook anything, I just thaw my stock from freezer. Saves time and effort :D


2 chicken, each cut into 8-12 depending on the size of the chicken
500ml coconut milk
3 tbsp oil
1 lime

10 kaffir lime leaves
5 lemograss, use only the white parts
5 bay leaves
4cm fresh galangal, mashed

50 gr palm sugar (Indonesian: gula merah)
2-3 tsp salt
2 table spoon juice of tamarind pulp

Grind into spice paste:
15 big red chilies
20 shallots
10 cloves of garlic
1 tsp of ground coriander
1 tsp shrimp paste

How to cook:
1. Clean the chicken, rub the skin with lime and a little salt. Let sit for at least 15 minutes. Wash clean
2. Heat oil in a wok/large frying pan with medium heat. Add in the spice paste, then the galangal, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, bay leaves. Saute until fragrant. Add in the chickens, saute until the chicken is no longer pink.
3. Pour the coconut milk and bring to a boil, add in the salt and palm sugar and juice of tamarind pulp. Lower the heat.
4. Cook until the water absorbed, and the chicken is tender 
5. Prepare an anti stick pan, add a teaspoon of cooking oil, and cook until both side is caramelized and a bit brown. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Menu Baru di Tamoya Udon, One Bel Park-Fatmawati

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya mendapat undangan untuk hadir ke Tamoya Udon. Duh susah untuk bilang ngga, karena saya sukaaa banget udonnya Tamoya. Selain itu tempatnya juga cozy buat nongkrong sama temen2 foodie yg kalo udah ketemu ruameeeeee dan heboh. Selain heboh makan, heboh motret, heboh juga ngobrolnya. Seruuuuuuuu pokoknya kalo bareng2 genk foodie ini. Nah apalagi kami dapet info, ada menu baru. Buat penggemar udonnya Tamoya, I so don't want to miss it!

Gak ada perubahan di outlet Tamoya One Bel Park, Fatmawati. Udonnya masih tetep  kenyal dan fresh, kalo gak ada order dalam 30 menit, udonnya dibuang (keren ya, demi menjaga kualitas tuh!) kuahnya masih gurih dan light, seenak yg saya ingat. Tapi sekarang ada beberapa tambahan. Ada udon hitam juga euy, mengikuti trend serba black yg lagi hitss saat ini. Udon dikasih black charcoal! Instagenic banget kaaann :D

Kalo mau tau lebih detail tentang Tamoya bisa baca posting saya yang sebelumnya ini .

Nahhh, sekarang ini Tamoya nambah menu baru yg passss banget buat nemenin ngemil2 seru kita. Apa aja sih? 

1. Gyoza
Yang ini mirip kayak pangsit ya, isinya memang ayam cincang dan sayuran. Gyoza ini makannya dicelup ke saus yg enak. 
Cocok banget lah buat temen hang out bareng temen2, terutama kala perut masih kenyang tapi pengen ngemil 😁

2. Tsukune
Terbuat dari campuran ayam dan tulang muda cincang. Enak banget! Penampakannya mirip bakso bakar, tp rasanya beda karena Tsukune ada tulang muda yg dicincang. Jadi walaupun rasa daging ayamnya kental, ada sensasi greget-gregetnya gitu. 

3. Beef Curry udon
Ini salah satu menu favorit saya di Tamoya. Kari! Karinya Tamoya nih enak, light, balance banget rasa dari semua bumbunya. Gak ada yg overpowering...jadi amat sangat enjoyable. 

Penasaran gak sih sama yang masak? Kalo saya ketemu makanan enak, selalu penasaran sama siapa yg membuat. Mungkin karena saya suka masak yah 😁 Naaaah adalah Chef Hugo Adrian yang bertanggung jawab menjaga kualitas dan rasa seluruh menu di Tamoya. 
Pengalaman beliau di bidang kuliner tentu saja ngga main2. Dan beliau sudah fasih berbahasa Indonesia karena sudah 14 tahun menetap disini. Beliau juga amat ramah dan friendly, menjelaskan setiap pertanyaan yang kami ajukan dengan amat sabar. 


Dalam waktu dekat, saya akan kembali ke Tamoya, anak saya yang gede sukaaaaa banget sama sanuki beef udonnya, dan yg kecil suka yang salmon udon. Ada yang mau barengan ke Tamoya? Mariiiiiiii :D

TAMOYA UDONOne Bel Park, Lantai Ground
Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 1, Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Frisian Flag Purefarm Coconut Delight

Pada tanggal 27 September kemarin, saya datang ke acara launching produk terbaru dari rangkaian Susu Cair Frisian Flag, yaitu Frisian Flag Purefarm Coconut  Delight, minuman susu dengan rasa kelapa muda. Acara launching diselenggarakan di Level 8, Glass House, Hotel Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place-Jakarta. Menghadirkan psikolog Dr. Retno Dewanti Purba, grup penyanyi GAC (Gamaliel, Audrey, Cantika), dan disainer playing cards pertama di Indonesia, Edo Huang. 

"Frisian Flag Indonesia berkomitmen untuk memberikan kebaikan susu di setiap tahapan kehidupan konsumen, dan untuk itu kami selalu berinovasi agar kebaikan susu dapat dinikmati segala usia. Kami sangat bangga dengan kehadiran Frisian Flag Purefarm Coconut Delight dalam keluarga besar Frisian Flag Indonesia dan berharap dapat memberi lebih banyak pilihan serta pengalaman unik untuk menikmati susu, terutama bagi konsumen muda", sambutan Marketing Director PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, Felicia Julian.

MC : Omesh, dan talk show dengan pembicara Dra. Retno Dewanti Purba,  MPsiT, 

"Susu adalah sumber gizi yang sangat baik bagi tubuh yang sering kita lupakan saat beranjak dewasa. Frisian Flag Purefarm Coconut Delight adalah minuman dalam kemasan siap minum untuk membantu konsumen muda me-refresh kebiasaan minum susu. Rasa kelapa mudanya yang unik memberikan sensasi kesegaran yang luar biasa" ungkap Head of Marketing Ready to Drink PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, Jonathan Setiadi

Sebagian hidangan yang tersedia untuk para tamu media dan bloggers :

Stage Performance dari salah satu grup idola anak muda, GAC (Gamaliel Audrey Cantika)

Susu memiliki kandungan gizi alami yang diperlukan tubuh. Banyak sekali manfaat susu untuk tubuh kita, diantaranya adalah sebagai zat antioksidan yang berfungsi untuk menjaga mekanisme pertahanan tubuh terhadap penyakit. Berdasarkan penelitian tentang konsumsi susu konsumen usia 13-29 tahun yang cenderung menurun, 11 liter per kapita per tahun, dan hanya 4 liter per kapita per tahun untuk usia 21-29 tahun. Negri kita saat ini menempati posisi terendah dibanding negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang lain. Naaahhh, oleh sebab itulah Frisian Flag berinovasi dengan mengajak konsumen muda untuk kembali senang menikmati susu. Dengan rasanya yang segar dan unik, terdiri dari 7 vitamin dan 3 mineral, Frisian Flag Purefarm Coconut Delight membantu memenuhi kebutuhan gizi pada tubuh dan membantu tubuh tetap segar di sela padatnya aktivitas. 

Mungkin pertama-tama agak bingung ya, denger susu rasa air kelapa muda. Saya juga begitu kok, bahkan sempet ragu2 mau mencoba. Tapi ternyata rasanya beneran enak dan seger, ngga eneg sama sekali! Susu Frisian Flag Coconut Delight sudah bisa didapat di toko terdekat dengan kemasan 225ml, buat kamu-kamu yang menggunakan instagram, cek hashtag #kepoinrasanya . 

instagram : @susucairfrisianflag