Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bread Pudding

For recipe in bahasa Indonesia, click  this link.

Leftover bread is always a homework for me. I don't want to waste it, but sometimes I have to think hard what to do with it. I usually make something simple, not time consuming kind of food. So this bread pudding is the answer. Its delicious, easy-peasy, n doesn't required so much ingredients and effort. Been trying many recipes, but this trial and error one is my favorite. 

Here is what you need : 
4 slice of bread
200ml plain milk
125ml uht cream/cooking creme

pinch of salt
3 full tbsp sugar
2 egss
1 egg yolk
1tbsp butter, melted

Almond slice
Powder sugar

How to : 
1. Pre-heat your oven at 180 degree celcius
2. Grease your baking pan with generous amount of butter
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the cream, milk, sugar, egg, yolk, salt, and melted butter until well combined
4. Cut the bread into small pieces and spread half of the bread to the baking pan. 

5. Pour in half of the cream mixture, sprinkle the raisins
6. Put the rest of the bread to the second layer, pour the rest of the mixture, sprinkle the raisin, almond slice and cinnamon.
7. Bake for 30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean. Add the powder sugar.


  1. sepertinya gampilllllll ^^ tp tetep masih males... miinta aja boleh?
    smp ngebuang krimciskrn kadaluarsa liz ;'(

    1. ya ampuuuuun, padahal gue dimari lagi nyari2 crimchiz yg menghilang dari peredaran area karawaci, huhuhuhuhuhu
