Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cassava Leaf Fritter

Most Indonesian loves fried food or deep fried food. Somehow I found out that deep fried foods kinda addictive. I know, it is not the healthiest treat, but once in a week or two, should be fine, I guess.

One of everybody's favorite amongst all street fried food is : Vegetable fritter, or we call it Bakwan. In other region of Indonesia, it is called ote-ote and bala-bala. Whatever the name is, this simple and humble snack definately one of my comfort food. Eat it plain, or with chili sauce, peanut sauce or only with green chili. I'm giving a little twist with the fritter. We usually have fritters with bean sprouts, julienne cut carrot and white cabbage, this time I omitted the white cabbage, and adding pre-cook cassava leaves. And it turns out to be delicious! It has a little chewy texture, but surprisingly yummy. A little tips, do make sure to use young cassava leaves, as they taste the best! If you want the fritter to stay crunchy for a little longer, add in 1/2 tsp of baking powder.

Ingredients :
8 table spoon of all purpose flour
4 table spoon white rice flour
3-4 cloves of  garlic, fried until golden brown, then mashed with mortar and pestle.
1 handfull of cassava leaf, cook in boiling water for about 3-5 minutes, drain and sliced
1 small-medium size carrot, julienne cut
1 handfull of bean sprouts
1 bunch of scallion, thinly slice
Water, I don't use specific measurement, just add in the water little by little,until the consistency a little thick but not too runny.
Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking oil

How to :
1. mix the flour, salt, pepper, mashed fried garlic. Add in water, stir until well mixed. 
2. Add in the sliced cassava leaf, carrot, and sliced scallion. Mix well.
3. Pre-heat your wok with lotsa cooking oil, we are doing same serious deep fried, here :D. Once it is hot enough,  spoon the batter (about one full tablespoon each) and deep fry about 2-3 minutes, flip and cook again until golden brown. Serve with fresh chili, chili sauce or peanut sauce.


  1. haiyyyaaaa,disosol pake sambel pecel ena banget nih mb^^
    g keabisan ide masak ya,salutttt ^^

    1. iyaaaa, bikin lupa diet nih, hahhahha. Harus mba, biar si anak nyobain juga daun singkong dikit2 :D

  2. wiih ketje banget BG nya, itu aseli bekas pintu/jendela? apa printing?hihi...

    baru tau kalo daun singkong bisa dibikin bala2 ntar mau nyontek aaaaah... makasih inspirasinya mbak...^^

    1. itu beneran jendela bekas, teh Ayu :D monggo dicontek, rasanya enak kok pake daun singkong ^_^
