Monday, February 10, 2014

Double Chocolate Muffin (to die for)

I've been trying so many chocomuffin recipes. Creaming the butter method, reguler with melted butter method, custard method and so on. But this one is the best! Choco muffin from heaven, to die for. This is exactly what I'm looking for the whole time. Not too sweet, very chocolatey due to the use of quite alot of choco powder. Yep, the batter doesn't required melted dark cooking chocolate! Which I think it makes the muffin taste so damn good. 

I adores chocolate powder on muffins and pudding :D Not that I don't enjoy melted dark cooking chocolate, they are too one of my favorite indulgent. But on muffins, powder taste stronger and more chocolatey than dcc :D The recipe also calls for dcc, chopped and toss to the batter. Yummmmmm can you imagine while the muffin still hot, all the dcc are melted? *drooling* and for more, some of the chopped dcc is use as a topping. Holy chocolate!

 The Recipe :

300 g all purpose flour
80 g cocoa powder
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
250 g granulated sugar
100 g butter, melted
250 ml buttermilk 
2 large eggs
150 g dark chocolate (70%), coarsely chopped

Heat oven to 180 degree celcius. Prepare a cupcake pan with 12 muffin liners. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt in bowl. Set aside. Mix sugar, butter, buttermilk and eggs in a large bowl. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix until just combined. Stir in chocolate, but save 1/4 of the chocolate to put on top of muffins. Divide batter between 12 liners, filling them completely full. Sprinkle with remaining chocolate pieces. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a tooth picks inserted comes out almost clean. 

recipe taken and adapted from call me cupcake. 


  1. Replies
    1. Monggo dibuat mba, insyaallah ngga mengecewakan :)

  2. Resep dari Call me cupcake emang selalu menggoda lidah, fotonya menggoda mata, dan sudah pasti gagal diet !! =))

    1. Hahahha, iya bener bgt mbaaaa! Aduh cake2 nya itu semua dihias dengan sesuatu yg unusual, melimpah ruah tp cantiiiik. Makasih ya mba Tika, sdh berkunjung kesini :)

  3. Lihat fotonya aja udah ngebayangin rasa coklatnya meleleh di lidah, Mbak...

    1. Bener bgt mba Isnuansa, apalagi kalo makan pas anget2. Bagian atasnya meleleh, dalemnya jg sama meleleh. Enak pake bangettt :D

  4. Really nice pictures! Looks delicious and I'm waiting to know traditional Indonesian sweets too! :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Orsi :) yep, no need to worry, more indonesian traditional sweets coming up :D

  5. nice! looks really rich and dense! love it.

  6. finally found your home mak Eliza :)

  7. Mak, i'm coming and succes 'ngiler lihat mufinnyaa.

    1. hahahha, makasih ya Mak, kalo ngiler berarti motretnya cukup sukses nih :D

  8. langsung di copas, thanks Liz... ini muffinnya kliatan enakkkk...cocok buat anakku yang doyan muffins coklat ;P

    1. so far, ini muffin coklat yg paling enaaaaaak yg pernah kubuat, mba Elsye. Yg lain lewaaat semuaaah :D
