Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thai Ice Tea

One of our favorite drinks during summer! Very aromatic and super easy. All you need is thai tea, ice cubes, water and milk. Please note that Thai tea leaves are so much different than any regular tea leaves. It is basically a black tea, but I have no idea if the fragrant was an addition during the process or anything else. I did sense something smell like star anise and vanilla. It also has this dark orange color, when you mix it with milk it is as orange as the sunset.

Here it is, my version of Thai Tea :
4-5 tsp of thai tea leaves (the more you use, the more orange and the more aromatic)
4 tbsp sugar
300 ml water
250 ml uht plain milk
ice cubes

Directions :
1. Bring the water to the boil, add the thai tea leaves and sugar. Turn off the heat. Let cool
2. Strain the mixture into glasses, add milk and ice cubes. Ready to serve.


  1. Hmmmm... kebayang segerrr nikmaaat...
    Tmbah es batu boleh ya....?

    1. wah makasih koreksinya ya mba Lina, ketinggalan es batunya...hiiihiih :)

  2. Hai mba, kalo thai tea leavesnya beli dimana ya mba? I loves thai tea ��

    1. hai mba Vivien, aku beli thai tea leaves nya di Grand Lucky, SCBD Sudirman. Memang gak di semua supermarket besar ada sih, tapi kalo supermarket yg jual bahan impor biasanya ada:)

  3. penasaran dengan rasa thai tea dan green tea number one tapi ga mau beli banyak ?? Mampir aja ke , bisa beli dgn hrg sample loh 😄.. Maap numpang iklan mbak, cuma meninfokan buat yg doyan thai tea seperti saya.. Trims ya

  4. Hi, Nice information on Thai Ice Tea recipes. Your methods are too good. I am drinking sugar free Iced Tea for last 3 years and it’s really effective. Now a days we are buying tea through online, I normally shop, tea through Stevia My Store. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Tried THai iced tea today, the taste was great. I have stored my gallon iced tea pitcher with thai iced tea.
