Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Savory Bread Pudding

Whenever I crave for something sweet but I don't have much time, bread pudding is always become my top of the list. Its easy-peasy, only take less than 5 mins to prepare, and taste good. Good enough to stop my craving. I make so many variations with bread pudding. Mostly the toppings. Pretty simple, eh? Raisins n almond, triple choco, banana choco chips, banana almonds, apple raisin and many more combinations. 

But this time I'm craving for something salty, like chips that aren't healthy and full of msg :D so to avoid me for munching over a big bag of salty potato chips, I decided to make savory bread pudding. This idea came after doing a refrig cleaning and found out that there are some frozen food that is only a single serving each. So I use 1 piece of smoked beef, 1 piece of smoked chicken, cut them nicely, add small cubes of quick melt cheese and some mushrooms. And add the milk+cream+egg mixture. Voila! Savory bread pudding, at your service! So by changing the sugar into salt n pepper, turn out to be grrrreat. It taste like oven baked macaroni :D yeayyy for me!

So here's the recipe :
3 slice of bread
1 smoked beef
1 smoked chicken
Quick melt cheese, cut into small cubes, as many as u like. Note that the more you use it, the more gooey it will be (you can also use diced cheddar cheese, it will taste as good, only less gooey)
6 pcs canned champignon mushroom, sliced

Mix together with balloon whisker :
120ml cream
250ml plain milk
3/4 tsp salt
Pepper to taste
pinch of grated nutmeg
2 eggs
2 tbsp of melted butter

For topping : 
Grated cheddar cheese
Chopped celery


Cut the bread into cubes about 2*2cm. Spread it on your buttered baking pan
Spread the smoked beef+chicken+quick melt cheese+mushroom, and then pour the milk mixture
Add grated cheddar cheese and chopped celery
Baked for about 30-35 minutes, 175deg, until a toothpicks inserted comes out clean

Monday, December 9, 2013

Steamed Matcha Green Tea Blondies

Heyyya all, been a while since my last post. Been lazy and busy too :P 

It all started when I got sick for about 3 weeks. On and off kind of sickness :( Of course it changes my entire activity. I bake a few times, but its mostly simple things that I've been doing many times. So I don't have to feel guilty not to take shots or post the thing I bake. 

I loooooove matcha green tea. I love how it smells. And I believe many things can be created with this powder. Until now, I make a few recipe with this magic powder, and many things in my plan is about to come soon :D Check out this recipe of Matcha Green Tea Cookie.

This matcha blondies is a darling in our family. I actually make this 3 times in 2 weeks! However I only got a chance to take photos on my 3rd trial! The 1st and 2nd, all gone before I even spare the time to take some shots. The blondies smells wonderful to my nose. Addictive it is. It's soft and moist and very fragrant. My younger son eats 4-5 pieces in a row. He keeps munching over the blondies until he feels enough! 

The recipe is the same as my previous Steamed pandan blondies. This time I use green tea powder instead of pandan paste. 

Steamed Matcha Green Tea Blondies
adapted from Bunda Ricke brownies pandan kukus 

6 eggs
200 gr sugar
1tsp emulsifier
1/4 tsp salt 

Ingredients B
150 gr all purpose flour
20 gr milk powder

20 gr maizena

4 tsp of matcha powder
=> mix well with whisker

Ingredients C
100 gr cooking oil
100 gr white cooking chocolate

How to : 
1. Preheat your steamer
2. Prepare Ingredients C, melt the white cooking chocolate, add in the cooking oil, mix well with balloon whisker. Set aside
3. Mix ingredients A with  mixer on high speed until the batter looks pale white, thick and rising

4.Pour in the flour mixture, slow speed, mix until well combined
6. Add in Ingredients C, mix with slow speed until well combined
7. Grease 20*20*7 baking pan with melted butter and baking paper. Pour in the batter, steam for 35-40 minutes. 

Please remember to cover the steamer lid with napkin or kitchen towel so that the water doesn't fall to the batter and create holes on the surface.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getuk Gulung

Gara2 liat getuk gulung cantiknya mba Hesti dan mba Diah Raki, saya kesengsem berat dan pengen ikutan buat. Apalagi gampaaaang bgt resepnya. Terus terang saya jarang buat cemil2an yg tradisional. Bukannya apa2, kebanyakan susaaaah buatnya. Sedangkan saya kan penggemar apa2 yg simpel gak pake repot, heheheh. 

Tadinya saya kira bikin getuk itu ribet, prosesnya pun panjang dari mulai kupas2 singkong dll. Ternyata eh ternyataaaaa, gampang sodara! Apalagi kalo ngancurin singkongnya pake food processor, bisa rajiiin saya bikinnya. Berhubung saya melumat singkong pake tenaga lengan (pake ulekan yg saya lapis dengan plastik). Beraaaaasaaa banget yaaaa, hahahahahaha. Langsung kekar sebelah deh lengan atas sayah. Tapiiiii, hasilnya sepadan dengan usaha yg dikeluarkan! Aseli enak! (Mnrt saya lho ya). Ngancurinnya sampe bercucuran keringat kemarin itu. Hmmmmm apa mungkin itu yg bikin jadi enak ya? wkkwkwkwkw

Kebetulan saya gak terlalu suka kelapa, kalo getuk2 yg dijual di pastrad kebanyakan adonannya dicampur kelapa. Nah, yg ini tanpa kelapa :D top bgt deh, kelapa cuma saya kukus untuk ditabur aja, untuk suami saya. Saya sendiri tetep gak makan kelapanya :D suami saya waktu pulang kantor saya suguhin ini, tp gak saya kasih petunjuk makanan apa ini sebenernya. Dan dia sukak sekali katanya. Minta dibuatin lg besoknya. Sayang saya gak enak badan jadi blm dibuatin lg tuh...

Menggulungnya jg gampang, saya yg super amatiran aja cukup berhasil. Walopun ternyata yg warna putih lbh tebal dari yg pink ya....tp masih keliatan cantik kan? Iya kan? Iya doong *maksa*

Ini resepnya, saya ngikutin mba Hesti yg hanya buat setengah resepnya mba Diah Raki, dan msh dpt segulung lumayan banyak kok :)

source : Hesti's Kitchen dan Dapur 3D

1kg singkong, kupas kulitnya, kukus sampai empuk
1sdm margarine (saya pakai 2sdm) 
90gr gula pasir
2 tetes pasta strawberry atau sesuai selera 

Kukus untuk taburan : 
1/2 buah kelapa setengah tua, kupas kulitnya lalu diparut
1 helai daun pandan
Sejumput garam

1. Haluskan singkong kukus selagi hangat, campur dengan gula dan margarine. Kalo pake food processor pasti lbh cepet dan halus (saya pakai ulekan dilapis plastik, jadi masih ada jg gerindil2 halusnya)
2. Bagi 2 adonan, yg sebagian diberi pasta strawberry, diuleni sampai rata
3. Taroh adonan diantara 2 plastik segi empat, giling hingga rata. Makin tipis makin banyak gulungannya. Lakukan juga dengan adonan yg berwarna pink
4. Setelah itu letakkan adonan putih di atas adonan pink (atau sebaliknya sesuai selera), lalu diratakan. Gulung perlahan sambil ditekan perlahan dan dipadatkan. Bungkus dengan plastik wrap. Dinginkan sebentar (saya masukkan kulkas sktr 15mnt), buka wrap lalu potong2 sesuai selera.
5. Sajikan dengan kelapa kukus



I cannot find the appropriate word in english for this Indonesian traditional snack. We call it getuk. The main ingredients is : cassava. And believe me, its very simple to make and only need few ingredients, yet taste good (especially for cassava lover). The original version of getuk or steamed cassava roll, use shredded coconut on the mixture. Here, the steam shredded coconut only use as garnish (of course its edible too!)  If the original version requires specific tool to shape the getuk, this version is way simpler. Just fold n roll n cut n voila! Nom nom nom

I don't have food processor to process the steamed cassava. Therefore I use mortar and pestle, which is quite tiring and make me sweat to death, definitely count as 1 day gym exercise (boooo to me :D ). The truth is, I have never had an exercise or went to the gym or sport related whatever, for years and years that I cannot recall :D I guess my lazy arm muscle has suffered only by mashing cassava *sigh*

So if you want to give this recipe a try, use food processor. Except if you're planning to get sweat and this activity might be just the right answer *smirk*

Here's the recipe :

1kg of cassava, peel, cut into small pieces and remove the cord. 
2 tablespoon of margarine ( you can use butter as well too)
90 gr of sugar (adjust the level of sweetness according to your liking)
Food coloring (I use strawberry paste, only 2 small drops)

Steam the following : 
1/2 coconut, use the one that's not too old, but not too young. So it will taste perfect for sprinkles. Peel the skin and shred/grate it.
1 pandan (screw pine) leave
Pinch of salt

How to : 
Steam the cassava until fork tender and then mash it while still warm. If you have to do it manually, use mortar and pestle. Add in the sugar and margarine. Continue mashing until sugar and margarine dissolved. Please note that not each cassava behave the same while steaming. Some needs only 10-15 minutes to be in the perfect texture, some requires whole lot of time. Mine is a bit long and hard, it takes me 40 minutes to steam! 

Divide the mashed cassava into 2 portion, same weight. Put 2 drops of strawberry paste in one part of the mashed cassava. You can use any paste or any food coloring depending on your liking. Mix until all the color combine.

Place half of the mixture into 2 piece of food grade plastic, or plastic wrap. This to avoid the cassava sticks to rolling pin. Or if you want to make the rectangle more precise in shape, use ziplock bag, place the batter into the ziplock bag, zip it and roll. There you go! 

Do the similar to the other half.

Put the pink mashed cassava on top of the white one (or vice versa), make sure they equally shaped. You can cut the uneven edges with knife. Roll them carefully. Put it in a fridge about 15 minutes. You can cut it and ready to enjoy with steamed shredded coconut :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Be Good with Yogurt Inspired Food @ Heavenly Blush

Melihat tulisan di atas, sepertinya cocok banget untuk menggambarkan saya dan ibu2 di dunia yang sudah pasti baweeeel banget urusan makanan sehat. Long story short, duo ganteng saya alergi susu sapi dan seafood. Untungnya tidak dengan turunan susu sapi :D Jadi yang namanya yogurt dan keju, itu camilan sehari2 mereka! Pastinya stok yogurt siap makan/minum di kulkas hampir selalu menuh2in tempatnya, hahahahha. Mereka rada picky untuk masalah rasanya memang, tp selama ada yogurt stroberi, amaaaaan ^_^ Yang pasti keluarga kami memang sudah familiar dengan gerai yogurt ini, kalo lagi jalan2 ke mol yang ada gerai Heavenly Blush, biasanya mampir. Pomegranate is my alltime froyo favorite! For more, buat anak2 saya, yogurt ini jurus ampuh banget untuk membantu kesehatan dan kelancaran saluran pencernaan mereka ^_^

Waktu ultah IDFB yang kedua beberapa waktu lalu, saya iseng2 mengirimkan foto dan resep Ayam Panggang Yogurt untuk ikutan challenge. Walaupun nyerahin last minute dan gak ngarep apa2, ternyata menang! Langsung komat-kamit semoga voucher Heavenly Blush-nya belum diambil pemenang 1 dan 2, hehe. Kebayang senengnya anak2 yang bisa ambil yogurt sebanyak yg mereka mau :D 

Nah kebetulan juga, saya diundang oleh mba Anne untuk ikutan resto review Heavenly Blush, jadi asik kan, review sekaligus ambil hadiah ^_^


Pertama masuk Heavenly Blush PIM 2, suasananya homey dan cozy banget. Cocok untuk ngobrol2 sambil nyemil bersama teman atau keluarga. Dekorasinya dibuat simple, yet rapi dan cantik. Walaupun mungil, tp bikin betah :) Sukaaa banget sama tembok dari bata yg dipolished mengkilat itu. Warna terracota mmg selalu menarik dan berkesan hangat. 

Heavenly Blush, berdiri pada Desember 2008, merupakan merk dagang dari PT Heavenly Nutrition Indonesia.  Dulunya memang hanya menjual frozen yogurt saja, tapi seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, Heavenly Blush mulai memproduksi yogurt drink, salad dengan saus yogurt, cake dengan yoghurt dan makanan2 yang semuanya mengandung yogurt! Bener2 sesuai dengan tagline-nya : Yogurt Inspired Food, dan motonya Wellness Yogurt Specialist. Tambahan lagi semua makanan dimasak tanpa MSG, pengawet dan bahkan tidak digoreng! Jadi amaaaan dan sehat untuk semua kalangan nih ^_^  Buat para mommies juga jadi gak perlu khawatir ya, kalo ajak anak2 makan disini, aman dan sehat!


Ada apa aja sih di Heavenly Blush? Buanyaaaak! Yang pasti semua sehat dengan kandungan yogurt. Untuk detailnya, bisa liat di link INI
Penjelasan produk2 Heavenly Blush oleh mas Ricky Kapoyos sudah berhasil membuat saya haus dan lapar, hahahah. Jadi begitu minuman dan makanan sampai di depan mata saya, kalo gak inget harus difoto dulu, bisa abis duluan :P Saya pesan Sparkling Strawberry and Kiwi (IDR 37,000 before tax) minuman soda dengan generous amount of strawberry and kiwi chunks :D yuuuuum, si kecil saya doyan banget nih, krn ada kiwinya :D His favorite fruit ever! Rasanya? Ya enak dooong, seger, asem2 manis plus sehat pula dengan tambahan buah2 segar itu.

Nah temen seperjuangan saya waktu itu, mba Setianingsih Sumaryo, pesen Virgin Kiwi Capriaska, sayang saya gak nyobain, tp sempet foto2 dikit :) Ada cerita lucu dibalik pemotretan kali ini, saya yang selama ini selalu motret dengan cahaya matahari, ciut dan mengkeret ketemu lampu temaram. Tangan ini rasanya sampe tremor, hahahahah. Jadi props foto cantik yang saya bawa, yaitu satu set tea set ala Jepang, malah gak kepake. Heheheheh. Padahal mba Ningsih yg lebih senior dari saya juga sudah banyak membantu *makasih ya Mba* tp saya nyerah deh, akhirnya pindah tempat dan hasilnyapun masih kurang sesuai dengan ekspektasi saya. Pertanda, saya harus praktek motret di cahaya ruangan yang agak temaram :D

Virgin Kiwi Capriaska (kiri) 

Makanan yg saya pesan yaitu Japanese Beef with Yogurt Wasabi Salad (IDR 80,000 before tax), hmmm rasanya? Unik! bayangin deh yogurt dicampur wasabi...idenya keren banget :D Daging ditaburi dengan wijen yg harumnya khas dan ...jahe merah! Lucu banget. Saladnya light dan enak, karbo-nya, saya pilih baked potato. Untuk dagingnya, better eat when warm ya, krn yang namanya daging panggang mostly mengeras ketika dingin. Naaah sedangkan saya kan heboh motretin dulu sampe akhirnya daging jadi dingin, hihihihi. Padahal mas Ricky Kapoyos udah mengingatkan juga, sebelum makan minta di re-heat dulu :D berhubung lapar, konsentrasi sudah buyar deh :)

special thanks untuk mba Eka yang sudah minjemin tatami-nya :)

Nah saya berkesempatan juga motret makanan salah satu teman peserta yang pesan Oven Baked Norwegian Salmon with Yogurt Sauce (IDR 90,000 before tax). Look so tempting banget deh! Denger2 dari yang pesen sih, yummmy abiiiiis, kulitnya juga kriyuk2 gitu :D

Waktu itu saya juga pesan yogurt dengan bermacam2 toppingnya yang menggiurkan itu, sayangnya gak saya foto, soalnya udah dibawa kabur sama anak2, hahaha. 


Buat yang cuman pengen nyemil2, gak tertarik untuk makan berat, no need to worry! Ada varian cakes, yang tentu saja semua menggunakan yogurt! They all look scrumptious! Definitely on my must try list on the next visit! 

Kira-kira sudah dapet gambaran kan mengenai Heavenly Blush? Udah dooooong yaaa ^_*  Nah Heavenly Blush lagi ada promo lhoooo, tinggal print voucher ini, bawa ke outlet Heavenly Blush PIM2 lt. 3, jika memesan menu yogurt inspired meals dapet 1 small cup froyo! Terms and conditions applied :)

So, stay happy-healthy-fabolous, and drink yogurt, temans! 


Pondok Indah Mall 2
3rd Floor, #335
(+62 21) 7592 0762, 7592 0957

Mal Kelapa Gading 3
2nd Floor, #TK-20
(+62 21) 4585 5057

Plaza Indonesia
2nd Floor #071
(+62 21) 2992 3556

Many thanks to IDFB dan Heavenly Blush for the lovely event! Fun-tastic banget acaranya :D

photo courtesy of mba Andrie Anne, many thanks Mba :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Re-post Mini Oreo Cheese Cake

For recipe in Bahasa Indonesia, click this link to my previous post. 

This recipe is originally from Martha Stewart site, but I follow the instructions from Home Baker, as she already reduced all the ingredients needed :)

Very simple and easy to make, yet taste so good. I slightly over baked this batch, but luckily it doesn't effect anything. Just a little rustic brown in some edges :P It shaped a little un-even as I don't have the skill to make pretty-looking cake. However, I don't regret to re-make and re-post this cheesecake. It's delicious! My younger son eats two cups in a row :D 

Mini Oreo Cheese Cake
source : Happy Home Baker


15 Oreo cookies (9 leave as whole, 6 remove cream and coarsely chopped)
250 gr cream cheese, room temperature
50g sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg, lightly beaten, room temperature
60g sour cream (I use plain yoghurt)

- Preheat oven to 135 Degree Celsius
- Place one whole cookie in each of the 9 cupcake case  
- Beat cream cheese with an electric mixer, medium speed, until smooth
- Add in sugar, beat until just combined
- Add in vanilla extract, and then gradually drizzle in the egg, beat to combine, scrape down the sides of the bowl when necessary
- Add in yoghurt, mix well.
- Lastly, add the chopped cookie, fold with spatula
- Fill each cup about 3/4 full. Bake about 20-25 minutes until the filling is set and not jiggly. Let it cool completely. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Re-post Banana Crumbs Muffin

For recipe in bahasa Indonesia, click this link.

I actually make this muffin for many many times. Simply because I like it! My boys adores it too. I usually bake this with palm sugar streusel/crumbs, but this time I use brown sugar, and turn out to be lovely  ^_^

After my second batch of banana muffin, I was thinking to re-post and re-shoot it, need to practice to take better photos :)

Here is the recipe :

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda   (i use 3/4 teaspoon)
1 teaspoon baking powder (i use 1/2 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 bananas, mashed
3/4 cup sugar (i use 1/2cup)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/3 cup butter, melted
and I also add 50ml of fresh milk

for the streusel/crumbs:
1/3 cup of brown sugar 
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 tablespoon of cold butter
=mix together 

How to:
1. In a bowl,combine flour, baking soda,baking powder and salt. Set aside
2. mix well the melted butter, milk, sugar, egg and mashed banana
3. Pour in the wet ingredientsto dry ingredients and stir until just combine, do not overmix.
4. Fill greased muffin cups three-fourths full. Sprinkle the streusel on top
5. Bake at 25-30 minutes, or until the picks inserted comes out clean.

The muffins taste great, as always. It's moist and the crumbs is so good, I think next time I will mix the palm sugar+brown sugar. As palm sugar has a very specific smell that is just perfect with cinnamon. 

If you're a fan of banana, give this muffin a try. Perfect for breakfast or tea time :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Egg Balado / Hard Boiled Egg with Chili Sauce

I looooove Indonesian food, its always delicious and tasty, and mostly..spicy :D I believe most of Indonesian loves spices. Chili is almost in every dishes we have. Even its just a simple stir fry vegetable, we add 1 chili and make the food taste even better. We have many varieties of chilies here, but there are few most popular chilies which is commonly used in many recipes. In this egg balado recipe, I'm using 2 kind of chilies as shown on picture, cabe merah keriting which is smaller in size and cabe merah besar which is bigger but has less spicy taste. 

I combine this two so that I don't have to shed all the sweat while eating :D Its only slightly spicy on my tongue, not to hot. To reduce the heat of the chilies, you can remove all the seeds or add 1 tomato (remove the skin and seed) to add a bit of sweet-sour taste. So here's the simple ingredients to make your own sambal balado. You  can actually use fried eggplant, friend potato or tofu, whatever you desired. If peeling hard boiled eggs wasn't something you interested in, you can use sunny side up instead ! 

6 hard boiled eggs, peeled, cut a little bit (as shown on picture)
8 tbsp cooking oil

Grind the following into spice paste
12 big red chilies 
10 red chilies
10 shallots ( I use about 18 shallots, as what i have on my kitchen is small in size)
6 garlic
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar

about 2,5cm galangal, mashed
3 bay leaves

how to 
1. Heat cooking oil in a frying pan with medium heat, fry the egg until the skin blisters

2. Fry the spice paste, add in the mashed galangal and bay leaves. Cook until fragrant about 5 minutes 

3. Put the eggs into the frying pan until all the liquid reduced (mine takes about 15 minutes)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fermented Cassava Cake / cake tape

A quick post! I still got many pictures on my camera, sit nice and tidy, untouchable *sigh* 

So, to make me feel (a little) ease, gotta post this recipe, that was taken from one of my fave blogger , and its of course taste good. I only make half of the recipe as I don't have enough fermented cassava left, so I use 2 small loaf pans :D I don't even got a chance to take photos of the cake texture. Nevermind, once I re-make this cake, will give you all the updates :) 

So here is the recipe for tasty and moist fermented cassava cake :

*note : use a good quality fermented cassava as it affects the result of the cake (Not too dry but not too soft)

source : Hesti's Kitchen

6 egg yolks
4 egg whites
200gr sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
175gr all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
25 gr milk powder
300 gr fermented cassava, remove the tough core and mashed 
100 gr margarine, melted
50 gr butter,melted
100gr cheddar cheese, grated

1. with mixer, mix eggs, emulsifier and sugar until thick and rising
2. pour in the fermented cassava, batch by batch. Mix until well combined
3. Pour in the melted margarine+butter and 75gr of grated cheese
4. Place the batter into the pan, spread the rest of the grated cheese 
5. Bake 180 degree about 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Steam Pandan Blondies

I still have homemade pandan paste on my refrigerator. So, before it turn bad, I quickly browse for recipe of pandan cake. I stumbled upon Bunda Ricke's blog and found what I'm looking for : Steam pandan brownies. But as it required white chocolate instead of dark chocolate, I named it : Steam pandan blondies :) 

I gave some of this blondies to a friend of mine, who is now pregnant and looooove the smell of pandan. After receiving the blondies, she said that it was sooo good that she wants more batch! haha :D 

I use homemade pandan paste as a coloring, click this link to find out how to make it, homemade!

Here's what you need:

Ingredients A

6 eggs
200gr sugar
1tsp emulsifier
1/4 tsp salt 

1 tsp vanilla
Ingredients B
150 gr all purpose flour
20 gr milk powder

20 gr maizena
=> mix well with whisker

Ingredients C
100 gr cooking oil
100 gr white cooking chocolate
50ml coconut milk+2 tsp homemade pandan paste (you can also use 1 tsp of store-bought pandan paste)

Rice chocolate for layer
How to : 
1. Preheat your steamer 
2. Prepare Ingredients C, cook the coconut milk with a pan until warm (do not boil, warm only! ) and add the chopped white chocolate and pandan paste. Stir until dissolved completely. Add in the cooking oil, mix well with balloon whisker. Set aside
3. Mix ingredients A with  mixer on high speed until the batter looks pale white, thick and rising
4.Pour in the flour mixture, slow speed, mix until well combined
6. Add in Ingredients C, mix with slow speed until well combined
7. Grease 20*20*7 baking pan with melted butter and baking paper. Place half of the batter, steam for 10minutes. After that spread the rice chocolate (if using) and pour the remain batter and steam for another 25minutes.

Don't forget to cover the steamer lid with napkin or kitchen towel so that the water doesn't fall to the batter :)

I make a clumsy move and make the rice chocolate spreading not evenly :( so a little too thick in this side and a little too thin on the other side. However, it taste good! The color may not be as pretty as when you use store-bought pandan paste, but of course its healthier :D