Tadinya saya kira bikin getuk itu ribet, prosesnya pun panjang dari mulai kupas2 singkong dll. Ternyata eh ternyataaaaa, gampang sodara! Apalagi kalo ngancurin singkongnya pake food processor, bisa rajiiin saya bikinnya. Berhubung saya melumat singkong pake tenaga lengan (pake ulekan yg saya lapis dengan plastik). Beraaaaasaaa banget yaaaa, hahahahahaha. Langsung kekar sebelah deh lengan atas sayah. Tapiiiii, hasilnya sepadan dengan usaha yg dikeluarkan! Aseli enak! (Mnrt saya lho ya). Ngancurinnya sampe bercucuran keringat kemarin itu. Hmmmmm apa mungkin itu yg bikin jadi enak ya? wkkwkwkwkw
Kebetulan saya gak terlalu suka kelapa, kalo getuk2 yg dijual di pastrad kebanyakan adonannya dicampur kelapa. Nah, yg ini tanpa kelapa :D top bgt deh, kelapa cuma saya kukus untuk ditabur aja, untuk suami saya. Saya sendiri tetep gak makan kelapanya :D suami saya waktu pulang kantor saya suguhin ini, tp gak saya kasih petunjuk makanan apa ini sebenernya. Dan dia sukak sekali katanya. Minta dibuatin lg besoknya. Sayang saya gak enak badan jadi blm dibuatin lg tuh...
Menggulungnya jg gampang, saya yg super amatiran aja cukup berhasil. Walopun ternyata yg warna putih lbh tebal dari yg pink ya....tp masih keliatan cantik kan? Iya kan? Iya doong *maksa*
Ini resepnya, saya ngikutin mba Hesti yg hanya buat setengah resepnya mba Diah Raki, dan msh dpt segulung lumayan banyak kok :)
1kg singkong, kupas kulitnya, kukus sampai empuk
1sdm margarine (saya pakai 2sdm)
90gr gula pasir
2 tetes pasta strawberry atau sesuai selera
Kukus untuk taburan :
1/2 buah kelapa setengah tua, kupas kulitnya lalu diparut
1 helai daun pandan
Sejumput garam
1. Haluskan singkong kukus selagi hangat, campur dengan gula dan margarine. Kalo pake food processor pasti lbh cepet dan halus (saya pakai ulekan dilapis plastik, jadi masih ada jg gerindil2 halusnya)
2. Bagi 2 adonan, yg sebagian diberi pasta strawberry, diuleni sampai rata
3. Taroh adonan diantara 2 plastik segi empat, giling hingga rata. Makin tipis makin banyak gulungannya. Lakukan juga dengan adonan yg berwarna pink
4. Setelah itu letakkan adonan putih di atas adonan pink (atau sebaliknya sesuai selera), lalu diratakan. Gulung perlahan sambil ditekan perlahan dan dipadatkan. Bungkus dengan plastik wrap. Dinginkan sebentar (saya masukkan kulkas sktr 15mnt), buka wrap lalu potong2 sesuai selera.
5. Sajikan dengan kelapa kukus
I cannot find the appropriate word in english for this Indonesian traditional snack. We call it getuk. The main ingredients is : cassava. And believe me, its very simple to make and only need few ingredients, yet taste good (especially for cassava lover). The original version of getuk or steamed cassava roll, use shredded coconut on the mixture. Here, the steam shredded coconut only use as garnish (of course its edible too!) If the original version requires specific tool to shape the getuk, this version is way simpler. Just fold n roll n cut n voila! Nom nom nom
I don't have food processor to process the steamed cassava. Therefore I use mortar and pestle, which is quite tiring and make me sweat to death, definitely count as 1 day gym exercise (boooo to me :D ). The truth is, I have never had an exercise or went to the gym or sport related whatever, for years and years that I cannot recall :D I guess my lazy arm muscle has suffered only by mashing cassava *sigh*
So if you want to give this recipe a try, use food processor. Except if you're planning to get sweat and this activity might be just the right answer *smirk*
Here's the recipe :
1kg of cassava, peel, cut into small pieces and remove the cord.
2 tablespoon of margarine ( you can use butter as well too)
90 gr of sugar (adjust the level of sweetness according to your liking)
Food coloring (I use strawberry paste, only 2 small drops)
Steam the following :
1/2 coconut, use the one that's not too old, but not too young. So it will taste perfect for sprinkles. Peel the skin and shred/grate it.
1 pandan (screw pine) leave
Pinch of salt
How to :
Steam the cassava until fork tender and then mash it while still warm. If you have to do it manually, use mortar and pestle. Add in the sugar and margarine. Continue mashing until sugar and margarine dissolved. Please note that not each cassava behave the same while steaming. Some needs only 10-15 minutes to be in the perfect texture, some requires whole lot of time. Mine is a bit long and hard, it takes me 40 minutes to steam!
Divide the mashed cassava into 2 portion, same weight. Put 2 drops of strawberry paste in one part of the mashed cassava. You can use any paste or any food coloring depending on your liking. Mix until all the color combine.
Place half of the mixture into 2 piece of food grade plastic, or plastic wrap. This to avoid the cassava sticks to rolling pin. Or if you want to make the rectangle more precise in shape, use ziplock bag, place the batter into the ziplock bag, zip it and roll. There you go!
Do the similar to the other half.
Put the pink mashed cassava on top of the white one (or vice versa), make sure they equally shaped. You can cut the uneven edges with knife. Roll them carefully. Put it in a fridge about 15 minutes. You can cut it and ready to enjoy with steamed shredded coconut :)
Cakep Mak..gethuk gulungnya..fotonya juga..:)
ReplyDeletemakasih mak Diah Didi, senengnya dikunjungi senior :D selama ini suka ngintip tp gak pernah ninggalin jejak, hihihihi...blom kenalan soalnya ^_^
Deletemak liza, resepnya getuk ikutno kompetisi ini lho mak > http://www.vemale.com/microsite/be-fascinated-with-cassava/
ReplyDeletewah makasih infonya mak, meluncuuur ngintip :D
Deletemakasih sudah mampir ya ^_^
Aih enaknya..... yang sederhana bisa jadi istimewa.
ReplyDeleteterimakasih mba Susi, iya dicoba deh, enaaak ! :D