Saturday, June 25, 2016

Tamoya Udon, Udon Halal di One Bel Park-Fatmawati


Siapa yang suka udon? 
Hmmmm saya yakin banyaak nih yg angkat tangan. Ya kaaan? 
Saya dan juga anak2, gak bisa nolak kalo udah ketemu sama yg namanya mie. Yah walaupun beda, tapi udon bentuknya mirip sama mie. Daaan kami suka makanan berkuah, di rumahpun saya seringnya masak yang berkuah2 karena bikin anak2 cepet makannya. 

Speaking of udon, udah pada tau kan bedanya udon, ramen dan soba? 
Ramen itu kalo dari hasil baca2, sebenernya asalnya dari cina. Mie nya dari wheat dan lebih kecil daripada mi udon, warnanya juga sedikit lebih kuning. Nah, kalau soba, terbuat dari tepung buckwheat..makanya warnanya agak kecoklatan. Teksturnya juga berbeda dari ramen. Soba lebih lentur dan lembut. 

Lalu gimana dengan udon? Udon terbuat dari tepung putih, sehingga warnanya juga putih. Bentuknya lebih besar daripada mie ramen, teksturnya kenyal dan firm. Kalo di pasta mungkin disebut al dente. Tp gak keras sama sekali lho. Udon itu chewy.

Btw, udah ada yang pernah ke Tamoya, belum? Restoran Udon ini asli Jepang, jadi mengenai rasa sudah pasti otentik. Tamoya berdiri pada tahun 1996, pendirinya adalah seorang pemenang Sanuki Udon Champion bernama Tamotsu Kurokawa. Saat ini Tamoya sudah memiliki 14 outlet di Jepang, 3 outlet di Singapura, dan 2 di Indonesia yaitu di Emporium Mall Pluit dan One Bel Park-Fatmawati. Kabar baiknya, Tamoya akan terus berekspansi di Jakarta. Dalam waktu dekat cabang ketiga dan keempat juga akan diresmikan. PT Tamoya Udon Indonesia ini dimiliki oleh mantan Miss Indonesia 2008, yaitu Sandra Angelia. 

Apa sih istimewanya Tamoya kalo dibandingkan dengan udon lain? Kamu harus coba sendiri deh, serius udonnya enak. Kenyalnya cukup, teksturnya lembut,  dan gak gampang putus. Udon mereka nih dibuat sendiri, konsepnya open kitchen jadi kita bisa lihat proses pembuatan udonnya. 

Udon Tamoya dibuat dari 3 macam tepung yg amat berkualitas. Tamoya benar2 serius dalam memperhatikan kesegaran udonnya, semua dibuat di outlet, fresh! Menurut Pak Arief, area manager PT Tamoya Udon, apabila dalam 30 menit udon belum habis dibeli oleh kostumer, Tamoya akan membuat udon baru lagi. Wow! Lalu nasib udon yang belum terpakai gimana? Ya dibuang....Tamoya gak main-main dalam memperhatikan kesegaran udon yang mereka pakai. Amat terjamin kualitasnya. Dan info tambahannya, Tamoya ini udon halal. Jadi buat teman2 muslim, jangan khawatir makan disini ya.

Nah setelah kami ngobrol2, dan tanya jawab, ternyata Tamoya pakai tepung Bungasari yang premium. Tentunya pemilihan merk ini melalui proses trial dan error yang panjang ya, mengingat Tamoya amat berhati2 dengan kualitasnya.

Buat yang penasaran pengen tau, ini nih dapurnya Tamoya, kliatan kan kalo udon yang dipakai benar2 segar? 

Selain udon, Tamoya juga menjual beragam gorengan pelengkap udon. Ada kakiage yang enak banget. Payahnya saya lupa foto kakiagenya. Tau kakiage kan yah? Itu loh, tempura tapi sayuran semua isinya. Dibentuk mirip bakwan gitu deh. Enak deh kakiagenya generous bawang bombaynya, jadi manis tiap digigit. Selain itu ada chicken karage, chicken strip, dori strip dan lain2.

Pengen tau apa aja yang kami coba? 

1. Sanuki Udon

Sejujurnya saya awalnya gak tertarik untuk nyoba udon ini. Buat saya masakan kuah tuh harus hangat. Ya gak sih? Saya tau kalo di negara asalnya, udon memang sering dibuat dingin, tapi beneran gak tertarik. Sampai kemarin Pak Arif men-encourage saya untuk mencoba, barulah saya tergerak. Dan ternyata beneran enaaaaaak sodara2! Saya ngga nyangka semangkuk udon dingin bisa begitu enaknya. Kaldunya bener2 light dan mild, tapiiii enak sungguh. Tidak berbau amis sedikitpun. Hmmmm. Asli nagih! 

2. Niku Udon

Nah yang ini favoritnya anak saya. Udon dengan potongan daging sapi yang dibumbui. Menurut anak saya, dagingnya empuuk dan bumbunya amat meresap. Porsi dagingnya juga generous.

3. Spicy Chicken Udon

Menu ini amat istimewa, karena hanya ada di Indonesia. Dibuat khusus untuk menyesuaikan selera orang Indonesia yang kemana-mana nyari sambal, hahahaha. Udon ini enak, tidak terlalu pedas sebenernya, tp cukup untuk memuaskan lidah yang lagi nyari rasa pedas. Ayamnya bumbunya meresap dan ada sedikit rasa asam segar di akhir. Yummmmmy!

4. Chicken Teriyaki Udon

Buat kamu yang suka sama cita rasa manis, harus coba nih teriyaki udonnya Tamoya. 

5. Alla Carbonara

yg paling kiri itu yg alla carbonara

Ternyata udon juga enak dicampur dengan saus carbonara. Sausnya mild dan tidak bikin eneg, gurih dengan aroma keju tentunya. Nah buat yg lidahnya ala2 Itali, menu yg ini boleh dicoba. 

6. Bolognaise Udon

Udon yang ini saya gak cobain, saking kekenyangan, hahahaah. Tp anak saya nyicip sedikit, sayangnya dia memang gak pernah suka saus bolognese, jadi yg inipun dia gak komen apa2.

7. Curry Udon

Ehhh ini wajib dicoba juga. Karinya enak. Mild, creamy, tp rasanya menyatu banget gitu. Kadang ada yg jual curry rice ala jepang, curry nya rasanya nonjok banget. Akhirnya ayam dan isi lainnya jadi tasteless. Kalo yg ini, curry nya tidak over-powering bahan2 lain. Jadi saling meng-komplimen gitu. Suka banget!

8. Zaru Udon

Penyajiannya mirip2 soba ya, udon ini kliatannya plain banget, tapi jangan menilai dari penampilan, kayak kata pepatah: jangan menilai buku dari covernya....cobain dulu deh. Enak!

9. Egg Omega

Hidangan ini unik deh, soft boiled egg a.k.a telur rebus setengah matang yang digoreng dengan tepung. Pas dibelah, meleleh kuningnya.....duhhhhh ngilerin banget kan. Untuk pembuatan egg omega ini, tentu saja gak gampang.  Tehnik memasak dan timing yg tepat dan amat diperlukan. Kalo kelewat dikit waktu rebusnya, dijamin gak bakal meleleh pas dipotong deh.

10. Beef Rice

Anak saya lagi yang nyobain nih, dagingnya empuk dengan bumbu yang sedap dan meresap. Nasinya juga enak, kemarin lupa gak tanya, apakah Tamoya pake beras asli Jepang atau bukan. Heheh. Jadi penasaran. 

11. Green Tea Ice Cream 

Sebagai green tea fanatic, yg ini pasti saya cobain. Enak eskrimnya lembut. Sayang saya gak nyoba yg ogura, dan gak difoto juga. 

Selama bulan Ramadan ini, tersedia tajil untuk berbuka puasa.

TAMOYA UDONOne Bel Park, Lantai Ground
Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 1, Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

New Chef de Cuisine at LOBO, The Ritz Carlton-Mega Kuningan

This is my second visit to Lobo, The Ritz Carlton - Mega Kuningan. I came too early that day, the event scheduled at 5.30pm, and I arrived at 4.30pm. Luckily one of my foodblogger friend, Putra Agung who resides in Bandung, already arrived there. And after that, one of my favorite foodblogger ci Yenny  Makan Mulu also arrived. 

To describe Lobo's interior as "beautiful" would be an understatement. The word "Grand" sounds more appropriate. Classy and elegant European style with warm colors and subtle yellowish lighting. (To be honest the yellow lighting is a nightmare for foodbloggers, as it will be quite difficult to take good food photos) 

The restaurant is quite spacious with fancy tables and chairs spread beautifully all over the room. Somehow I feel like I am walking in the European movie scene at early 20th century. Makes me feel like a lady. LOL.
Lobo restaurant has 2 areas. Smoking and non-smoking. Non smoking area took place at their balcony. Nice place to seat and enjoy the busy Mega Kuningan area. But beware, its quite windy!

What makes my second visit special, we were invited to test new menus from Lobo's new Chef de Cuisine, Jan Schwittalla. Born and raised in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, the Chef who is inspired by the arts and beauty of a great many things. Jan Schwittalla brings in a fresh new menu to Lobo Restaurant via his modern culinary techniques. Having experienced working and owning a Michelin-starred restaurant in Bordeaux, France for the past six years. He painstakingly prepares every single dish with love as he believes that presentation is equally significant as taste. So, savor and be ready to fall in love with his all-new signature dishes as he is ready to create memories.

Curious enough to see what he got to offer us? Even I cannot wait to see (and taste) his masterpiece. So when the other came up late because of the traffic jam, it was a torture. Well, I have tried some of Lobo's menu on my last visit. So it will be interesting to compare.

1. Amuse Bouche

Mushroom hollandaise inside the egg shell and on spoon is edamame and truffle foam. The presentation is cute, using open egg shell and hay-like stuff. The food is divine! Creamy with sour and savoury taste. And of course the truffle's aroma wraps it all together. To enjoy this dish,  put the spoon inside the shell, give a little stir and spoon all the way to your mouth. Hold for one moment. Mmmmm can't get enough of it. I don't mind to eat more than 1 portion of this amuse bouche for myself.

A little info about truffle mushroom, it is a fancy-delicious delicacy. Some say that truffle is the diamond of the kitchen, one of the most expensive food in the world. The price is crazy expensive and cost a fortune. I heard that black truffle cost appx idr 25mio/kg and italian white truffle is three times more expensive than the black one.  

2. Gazpacho, Tomato Sorbet and Caramel Pepper. 

Gazpacho (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaθˈpatʃo]Andalusian: [ɡaʰˈpːa(t)ʃo]) is a soup made of raw vegetables and served cold,[1] usually with a tomato base, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain and neighbouring Portugal (Portuguese: [ɡɐʃˈpaʃu], spelling gaspacho), particularly during the hot summers, as it is refreshing and cool. source : wikipedia

I was stunned when I first look at this dish. Peach balloon-like shaped. I guess the surprise awaits inside. The shell is quite hard and shiny, you have to crack it with the back of your spoon to enjoy it. Its like unwrapping a present :D The shell's taste reminding me of my childhood days, when eating lollypop by biting and chewing the candy is really a crime and make your mom scream. LOL. Anyway, that childhood candy was nothing to compare with this peach sphere. It has a mild tomato-caramel flavour, not too sweet, with a hint of peppery taste, and quite addicting. Its hard for me to stop biting and chewing the shell. 
When I first dig in the gazpacho, I found two surprises! Croutons and tomato salsa. The combination of still crunchy croutons, tomato salsa and the creamy gazpacho complimenting each other and it burst with lotsa wonderful flavor. I love how it taste a bit sour, sweet and savoury. Very refreshing.

3. Egg Truffle Porcini Duxelle.  

Duxelles is a finely chopped (minced) mixture of mushrooms or mushroom stems, onions, shallots, and herbs sautéed in butter, and reduced to a paste. Cream is sometimes used as well. It is a basic preparation used in stuffings and sauces (notably, beef Wellington) or as a garnish. -source : wikipedia

Another stunning dish made of tube-shaped potato which is very crunchy and delectable. Slow cooked egg, porcini chunk, and truffle porcini cream. Need enlightment about Porcini? This mushroom with earthy scent is quite famous in Italy. Commonly found on italian food, such as risotto, pasta or soup. The price is also expensive, although not as expensive as truffle. This mushroom has chewy and meat-like texture. 

Back to the dish, as you dig in, the bottom part of the tube is the slow cooked egg. And when your spoon hits the surface, the runny egg yolks burst. I have never been a fan of runny yolks (i know its weird, silly me) . But this menu is egg-ceptionally delicious! And again the truffle scent is all over the plate and I'm loooving it! I finish it to the last drop. Yummmmmm.

4.  Black Lentils with Micro Herbs

I got this special vegetarian menu as I am not consuming caviar. This was my very first time eating black lentils. It tastes rather plain for my palate. In my opinion, its the cucumber tzatziki (cucumber jelly sauce) underneath the lentils that make the dish tastes special. It was light in flavour, but I guess it is served to balance the food, as some of the menu we tried were creamy. So it was a refreshment for me. Good arrangement, Mr. Chef!

5. Grilled Chilean Seabass,Olive and Star Anise

Beautiful and perfect presentation. The fish look fat and fluffy. Seabass is one of the rare fish with buttery texture. Not every restaurant serves sea bass on their menu, only fine dining and fancy restaurant.

6. Parmesan Symphony

This is a vegetarian menu, made of parmesan cracker, veloute and green salad. 

velouté sauce is a white stock-based sauce thickened with roux that is one of the five "mother sauces," meaning that it is the basis for a number of other sauces. Velouté sauce is sometimes enriched with egg yolks or cream. source :

7. Beef cheek, oxtail ragout and onion

I know the pic doesn't show how tender the meat was. But according to those who ate it, this dish was the highlight of the day! They said the meat was super tender and juicy. 

8. Pumpkin Risotto

Another vegetarian menu for me. The risotto tastes nice and full of spice. I can taste the fresh coriander and curry. And the refreshing smell of lemongrass. However, the texture was a bit sticky it makes me look messy. 

9. Palate Cleanser 

Passion fruit mousse ball. Quite light and refreshing with a little sour taste. 

10. Mango Lime Coconut Passionfruit
Taste delightfully light and creamy with a bit sweet-sour. Very refreshing and a perfect choice as a closure. 

Overall, I have little to no critics at all. Although some menu tends to have similarity in terms of taste, same creaminess, and temperature (mostly cold).  But everything was beautifully executed. Well done, Chef Jan. Welcome to Indonesia, enjoy Jakarta!

Special thanks to Mr. Adeza Hamzah and Mr. Jit Bose for the wonderful fine dining experience. Hope to see you all again soon :)

Dress code:
Smart casual / Business casual

Open Hours:
- Lounge: 8 am to 1 am
- Restaurant: Lunch 12 noon to 2.30 pm | Dinner 6 to 10.30 pm

A la carte: IDR 120,000++ up to IDR 640,000++ / dish

Jan's Tasting Menu:
- 4 course IDR 661,000++/person (wine pairing additional IDR 439,000++/person)
- 6 course IDR 824,000++/person (wine pairing additional IDR 646,000++/person)

*) Prices are subject to 21% Government Tax & Service Charge

The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan
Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav.E.1.1 no.1
Mega Kuningan
South Jakarta - 12950

Written and photographed by Eliza Setiawan