Monday, September 30, 2013

IDFB Challenge # 12 : Baked yoghurt chicken with mashed cassava

IDFB challenge #12 kali ini sungguh sangat menantang! Gimana ngga, di ultah yang ke 2 nya ini, member diminta untuk membuat makanan berbahan dasar singkong dan yoghurt. Nah lhoooo, gak nyambung kan. Mikir kerassss tp gak dpt2, eh ternyata belakangan saya baru ngeh kalo singkong yg dimaksud bisa jg menggunakan tepung mocaf (modified cassava flour) atau singkong yg sudah difermentasikan alias tape :D Kalo tape, masih banyak olahannya yang terlintas di dlm kepala saya. Btw, sudah pada tau belum sih kalau tanggal 7 Oktober itu kita merayakan Singkong Day? 
Yang pasti, singkong yang kaya akan gizi dan karbohidrat namun rendah gula itu dipadankan dengan yoghurt yang kaya kalsium dan sangat baik untuk saluran cerna, dijadikan satu menu, sudah pasti sehat :D 

Sayang disayang, saya kelupaan sama event ini. Baru ngeh lagi setelah teman2 bertubi2 posting hasil karya dapur masing2, yang tentu saja bikin handphone jadi ribut ting tung ting. Hahaha, lalu sayapun menyempatkan diri membuka grup lewat laptop, habis kalo dari smartphone kok notif masuk tp gak bisa dibuka :(

Setelah log in, kagetlah saya, hwaaaaa udah banyak kali yang nyerahin tugas. Dan hasilnyapun menggiurkan semua. Gimana dengan saya? *bengong*
Kali ini harus lbh semangat menyingsingkan lengan untuk masuk dapur :D Berhubung saya liat kebanyakan pada membuat makanan manis, saya pilih yg savoury saja. Udah ada rencana, besok setelah mengantar anak saya sekolah mau mampir ke pasar untuk beli singkong dan beberapa kebutuhan lain. Ternyata suami saya terburu2 pagi itu karena ada keperluan kantor, gak sempet ke pasar! udah gitu ketemu tukang sayur kok gak ngeh untuk berhentiin. Duh, akhirnya mengandalkan mas yg biasa lewat rumah yg datangnya pun tak pernah pasti! Udah pasrah saya, habis mau gimana lagi?

Wah, bener aja, sampe jam 1 siang gak ada satupun tukang sayur yang lewat. Mingkem deh saya, tp daripada gak ngapa2in, saya mengolah yang ada di kulkas aja. Kebetulan hari minggu kemarin habis beli ayam yg belum sempat dibumbuin. Jadi akhirnya improvisasi darurat! hahahahah, dulu pernah ada seorang teman yg membuat ayam bakar dengan bumbu mustard dan madu. Saya ganti deh, jadi yoghurt dan madu ditambah rempah2 yang simpel bgt. Gak pake repot deh pokoknya :D

Demikian resep ala saya :
6 potong ayam 
1 buah lemon

untuk rendaman ayam :
3 sdm penuh yoghurt plain
1 sdm madu
1 sdt garam
1 1/2 sdt air perasan lemon
3 siung bawang putih, diparut/diulek
italian pinch secukupnya*
butter untuk olesan 
*italian pinch ini bumbu andalan saya banget, terdiri dari : marjoram, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano dan basil kering

untuk olesan ayam :
1 sdm madu
air perasan lemon
bumbu italian pinch, secukupnya

untuk mashed cassava :
300 gr singkong, dikukus lalu dilumat selagi panas
1/2 sdt garam, atau sesuai selera
lada secukupnya
seledri iris halus
keju parut, secukupnya sesuai selera

untuk saus yoghurt :
2 sdm yoghurt plain
1 sdm mayonnaise
1 helai daun mint, diiris halus
beberapa helai seledri, iris halus
garam dan lada, secukupnya

Cara Pembuatan : 
1. Lumuri ayam dengan garam dan air jeruk lemon, biarkan sekitar 20-30menit
2. Aduk rata yoghurt, madu, garam, merica, air perasan lemon, bawang putih parut dan bumbu italian pinch. Masukkan ke wadah dengan ziplock.
3. Masukkan ayam ke wadah platik ziplock dan lumuri dengan bumbu hingga rata. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas dan biarkan menyerap (sekitar 2jam)
4. Nyalakan oven 180 dercel 
5. Tata ayam di dalam baking pan yang sudah dialasi alumunium foil yang sudah dioles butter, tutup dengan alumunium foil, panggang sekitar 40 menit hingga matang dan kulit mulai berubah warna
6. Olesi masing2 ayam dengan bumbu olesan, ini membuat ayam warnanya jadi mengkilat dan cantik kecoklatan
7. Panggang lagi selama 15 menit hingga kulit menjadi krispi dan kecoklatan. Matikan oven, sisihkan ayam

Sajikan  ayam panggang dengan mashed cassava dan saus yoghurt.

Jadi akhirnya, di saat2 genting, sudah hampir jam 5 sore, datenglah tukang sayur! Sambil harap2 cemas saya panggil dan tanya. Alhamdulillah, memang masih rejeki saya ikutan challenge, hahaha, mas tuksay bawa singkong *jogedjoged*

Jadilah menu ini, yg menurut suami saya, enak :D mashed cassava yang sempet dikira mashed potato pun rasanya enak. Memang sudah saatnya kita melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan terhadap nasi! Apalagi singkong juga ngga bisa dipandang sebelah mata dengan kandungan gizi yang super padat dibanding dengan beras. 

Maafkan untuk foto yang ala kadarnya, cuma sempet jepret2 5 menit sebelum adzan maghrib berkumandang :)

Dengan ini saya ucapkan selamat ultah yang ke-2 untuk IDFB, makin keren dan asik aja yaaa! 

maaf teman2, krn nulis resep sambil mata nyaris merem, ada ingredients yang ketinggalan di bahan rendaman ayam, yaitu sejumput bubuk ketumbar. Thanks ya :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Triple chocolate bread pudding

This recipe is exactly the same as the previous bread pudding, the differences are : I use chocolate bread, chocolate milk, choco chips, and I also add loadsa choco chunks. Should we call it "extreme choco bread pudding"? 

Its definitely a treat for the chocolate lovers around the globe, the chunks melted and make it even more chocolatey. I failed my diet, again. Heck, diet is just a "die" with a "t", some says. 

I don't put any sugar to this bread pudding as I use chocolate milk which is sweet enough, not to mention the choco chips and choco chunks :D :D 

So here it is, you can simply adjust the ingredients according to your liking :)

4 slice of chocolate bread 
200ml chocolate milk
125ml uht cream/cooking creme

pinch of salt
2 egss
1tbsp butter, melted

choco chips
your favorite chocolate bar or you can also use dark cooking chocolate

How to : 
1. Pre-heat your oven at 180 degree celcius
2. Grease your baking pan with generous amount of butter
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the cream, milk, sugar, egg, yolk, salt, and melted butter until well combined
4. Cut the bread into small pieces and spread half of the bread to the baking pan. 

5. Pour in half of the cream mixture, choco chips and choco chunks/dark cooking chocolate
6. Put the rest of the bread to the second layer, pour the rest of the mixture, sprinkle the choco chips.
7. Bake for 30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean. 

Less ingredients for a super yummy result. Addictive, it is :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bread Pudding

For recipe in bahasa Indonesia, click  this link.

Leftover bread is always a homework for me. I don't want to waste it, but sometimes I have to think hard what to do with it. I usually make something simple, not time consuming kind of food. So this bread pudding is the answer. Its delicious, easy-peasy, n doesn't required so much ingredients and effort. Been trying many recipes, but this trial and error one is my favorite. 

Here is what you need : 
4 slice of bread
200ml plain milk
125ml uht cream/cooking creme

pinch of salt
3 full tbsp sugar
2 egss
1 egg yolk
1tbsp butter, melted

Almond slice
Powder sugar

How to : 
1. Pre-heat your oven at 180 degree celcius
2. Grease your baking pan with generous amount of butter
3. In a mixing bowl, mix the cream, milk, sugar, egg, yolk, salt, and melted butter until well combined
4. Cut the bread into small pieces and spread half of the bread to the baking pan. 

5. Pour in half of the cream mixture, sprinkle the raisins
6. Put the rest of the bread to the second layer, pour the rest of the mixture, sprinkle the raisin, almond slice and cinnamon.
7. Bake for 30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean. Add the powder sugar.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Strawberry yoghurt pudding

Yuhuuuuu its been a long time haven't visit my blog. A week is quite a long time, rite? Been busy with this and that and etc. 

I actually bake few stuffs, well, honestly re-bake some of my recipes from the past posts. Just to make sure that it worked really well. Haha that's a silly n dumb excuse. The truth is, me n my hubby looooove the lemon yoghurt cake that I baked few weeks ago n ask me to bake the same cake again for the third times! Need any more prove of how good it taste? :D

So, I guess it is time to move on. I make this pudding as per my son's request for a healthy snack. Tadaaaaa, here it is an easy to make yet delicious n hopefully healthy enough for children (and parents) daily snack : strawberry yoghurt pudding. 

I kinda grab anything that is available on the refrig, you can easily adjust the ingredients as you like. 

1 sachet of agar-agar powder (7gr), you can replace this with gelatin
250gr strawberry yoghurt
10 tbsp of sugar, or depending on how sweet/sour your strawberries
200ml of plain milk
200ml strawberry milk
250ml water
125ml cooking creme
325gr fresh strawberry, cut into chunks and process until smooth with blender
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten

As for the sauce, you can use your favorite vanilla sauce, but this time I make a simple strawberry sauce.

for sauce:
12 strawberries, process until smooth with blender
6 tbsp sweet condensed milk
1 tbsp sugar
=> mix all the ingredients together, put it on a stove an bring to the boil. Done

Method :
1. Prepare a pan, use a low heat position on your stove
2. mix the agar-agar powder with the sugar, water, and milk. Stir the mixture until it almost boil. Frequent stirring is needed.
3. Add about 4 tbsp of the mixture to egg yolk, mix well, and then pour it to the rest of the batter and stir well until it boiled 
4. Turn off your stove, wait until all the steam gone. 
5. Add in the yoghurt, creme and strawberry. Mix well.
5. Put it on your jelly moulds and leave it to cool. 

Unmould before eating and pour in the sauce...yummmmmm

My younger son looooove it so much he ate 3 moulds of the pudding at a time! as my eldest, he never likes anything with strawberry but he surprisingly managed to finish his first mould. Good job :D

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Brownies kukus ketan item/ black glutinous rice flour brownies

Who doesn't like.brownies? I certainly not on the list! 
Before I jump into blogging world, I've tried many varieties of brownies. Well, to be honest, most of them was not my homemade. It is easier to have the store-bought brownies at that time. But now that I finally find my passion for cooking, baking and food photography, I try to make the brownies myself :) 

Last time I made a banana brownies, which is so moist and decadent. This time, I'm making a glutinous black rice flour brownies. Its gluten free of course! And if you want to make it even healthier, skip the emulsifier. As long as you mix it properly the batter will get thicker even though it may need more time. 

This amazing recipe was taken from bunda Ricke's blog. You must try this, I've made this brownies twice in 10 days. My boys looove it. Eventhough the first few bites they gave me a weary look, but then they said that it was yuuuuuum and they keep coming back for more. A happy mommy, I am :)
This brownies have a different textures from other brownies due to the use of black glutinous rice flour. It slightly feel sandy in your mouth, but don't worry, its in a good way :)

Here's the recipe, you can click the link above for recipe in Indonesian :)

6 eggs
200gr sugar
1tsp emulsifier
1tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt 

2tbsp sweet condensed milk

250gr black glutinous rice flour
20gr chocolate powder 
=> mix it well with whisker

100gr of dark cooking chocolate, chopped and melted (I use microwave to melt the chocolate)
200gr of cooking oil/canola oil

Rice chocolate for layer

How to : 
1. Preheat your steamer 
2. Melt the chocolate (mine takes 3minutes on microwave), and then pour in the oil, mix well with whisker. Let it cool.
3. Mix the egg, sugar, emulsifier and salt with mixer on high speed until the batter looks pale white, thick and rising (mine took about 20minutes)
4. Add in the vanilla, mix well. Then add in the sweet condensed milk
5. Pour in the flour mixture, mix until well combined
6. Add in the melted chocolate+oil, then mix it with spatula until the batter looks homogen 
7. Grease 20*20*7 baking pan with melted butter and baking paper. Place half of the batter, steam for 10minutes. After that spread the rice chocolate (if using) and pour the remain batter and steam for another 20-25minutes.

Don't forget to cover the steamer lid with napkin or kitchen towel so that the water doesn't fall to the batter :)

As a prove that i did made this steam cake twice in 10 days, here another photo of the cake. I cut the cake while it still warm and look at the texture.......